Business Renewal

Purpose: Co-create a comprehensive and dynamic regenerative business enterprise through the strategic planning of building out a thriving micro economy. This process will run in parallel with the renewal of our organizational structure as we will weave these two aspects together to integrate our business & organizational structure that will make up our Living Enterprise framework.
Renewal Focus: To connect and build coherence through the process of a business renewal event and a series of business renewal charrettes. During these events we will make time to integrate what has been and sense into the vision of what is to come. To create short and long term generativity, we have already begun a process of maximizing business opportunities around the existing events spaces and short term rentals. Clarify and establish strategic network relationships from which we can continue to build upon the vision with and support our goal of evolving into a thriving community culture.
Current Strength: Organizational structure to build upon, beautiful facilities with growing infrastructure to leverage for building a regenerative enterprise ecosystem.
Key Challenges: There is a history of unresolved tensions, stagnation due to lack of respect, fears around money, and lack of appreciation for each other. This Business renewal track is an invitation to shift these challenges.
Current Weakness: Patterns of weak organizational coherence, lack of accountability and appreciation for one another’s gifts and offerings. Little focus on becoming financially sustainable.
Business Renewal Development Track:
Continue to Develop & Ground Seasonal Business Models
Prototype Project Management Workspace to Support Operational Transparency, Efficiency, and Cooperation
Facilitate Business Renewal Event & Meet Ups
Design Atlan’s Regenerative Enterprise Ecosystem Framework
Establish Strategic Network Relationships

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