Post job ad
Ideally min 2 weeks prior to trial
3 weeks prior
Shortlist Candidates
CV filtering
2 weeks prior
Phone candidate to Invite to video call
Short call to legitimise video call invite
1-2 weeks prior
Schedule video call with each shortlist candidate
Use calendly link
1-2 weeks prior
Thank you for your application for the Housekeeping paid work trial on indeed.? We are looking forward to meeting you and would like to invite you to a short 6 minute video call to meet each other and learn about your cleaning skills. ? We will require a short demo of no more than 3 minutes of your cleaning skills. This can be cleaning a mirror, mopping a floor or cleaning a toilet.??If your application is successful, you will join the Simplify team and have access to all available cleaning jobs. ? Please schedule a meeting using the link below: ??Calendly link
Attend the video call
Invite to cleaning trial
Use whatsapp for business & email??Share: date, time, address, what to bring, how much they get paid, need to bring photo ID & residence permit?Remind them about the recording device.
3-7 days prior
Hello {first name} ?You are invited to attend one of our paid trial sessions.? You will be paid £50 for 90min. You will be required to do a regular household clean whilst testing a device that records the cleaning plus a small Bluetooth headset.? We have 10:30am, 2pm and 4pm available on 4, 5 and 6 October. The location for the trial is E5 9BW. All cleaning materials are provided. Please kindly respond with your availability if you would like to join us.
Respond to questions
Ad hoc
Send reminder text
Repeat all invitation info. Evening before for a morning session or on the day for afternoon sessions
Day before / Day of
This is a confirmation of your work trial at 10:30am on Wednesday, 4 October. Please be sure to arrive on time as late attendants can not be accepted to the trial.

We are testing new cleaning tech which is a wearable device that records the clean and a small Bluetooth earpiece. (You must be willing to wear these for the trial).

During the trial you will do regular residential cleaning tasks like making up beds, cleaning rooms, shining mirrors etc.

The trial is 90min and you will be paid £50 for your time.

Successful candidates will have access to all available jobs and we will actively source new clients to suit your availability if needed.??Please allow sufficient time to arrive at the venue. We will not be able to accept late participants to the trial. å

Address: 3 Clapton Terrace Flat 2, Greater London, England E5 9BW
Contact: +447490758711
Conduct cleaning trial
Make a note of competencies and weaknesses (we need a proper matrix for this)
Confirm that ID/passport & permit has been seen and is valid. Then get photos.
We need this in order to conduct the DBS checks.
Request banking details for payment
Respond to questions
Shortlist trial candidates
Check references
Confirm new hires
Run DBS checks etc
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