Follow your bread crumbs

Oh, here’s another thing. You have a gifts that only you can bring. You must learn what those are. Pay attention to what has your attention. Pay attention to what interests you. Follow these things like bread crumbs.
These sparks and thoughts are hints, clues, to who you are meant to become in the world, on the team of humanity, and to what you might bring to a place like Ready for Good, or to those you live with.
sunlight rays on green grass, plants and trees
What is yours to carry in life now? What should you focus on while you follow the bread crumbs?
For transition-age youth, I say focus on two things:
School (ask your teachers for help: your goal is to get passing grades if not As and Bs)
Finding adults you are courageous enough to tell what you’re thinking and feeling to. The best team mates you can find in life, are trusted adults. They know way more, and are way better at life, than kids in school will be, your friends. If someone is under 25 years old, don’t follow them. Follow trusted adults, and they will lead you safely to the next step. Your peers have no clue.
What are you to carry in your future?
We don’t know yet. Just follow the bread crumbs.
Here’s the beautiful thing: there is always at least one to follow.
You’ll never not have at least one bread crumb to follow.

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