aerial view photography of highrise building

50,000 Foot View

Ready for Good is about helping you build confidence and hope for the future. It’s job training and it’s work experience, but it’s also about life skills.

Redefining ‘Life Skills’

Life skills are skills they don’t teach you in school.
A life skill is an attitude, ability, or perspective, that will be useful to you in all situations and places. These perspectives and abilities will increase your peace, joy, and progress in your life.

aerial photography of white high-rise concrete building
If your life is under construction, like a building that’s being worked on, life skills are what you start with. They are a solid foundation to build a life on.
If you start with a firm foundation of life skills, you will be able to build a life that is like a skyscraper among shacks.

aerial photography of grey high-rise building
gray wooden house on green grass field under white sky during daytime

Turning the Page: Every Day Carry

black corded headphones near eyeglasses
Everyday Carry items are “a collection of useful items that are consistently carried on person every day.”
Life skills are crucial attitudes and abilities you might use daily or multiple times a day.
Think of life skills as “equipment for living in daily success.”
This means living and working in such a way that makes life better for you and others; in other words, you’re living, or you’re at work, but meanwhile, through the way you’re living or working, you’re peacefully and joyfully making progress, and usually enjoying the process, on things that matter, while also caring for others and taking care of yourself.”
Life skills are “everyday carry” attitudes, abilities, and views on life.
They’re little-but-big reminders you say to yourself.
They’re ways you interact.
They’re ways you respond to situations and annoyances.
They’re ways to channel what you think, feel, and desire, so you remain in charge of yourself and your timing and your mind, heart, and actions.
They’re how you get motivation back when you’re worn out and pissed off.
They’re equipment for moving forward, checking the compass and finding the inner strength and resolve to keep going because it’s worth it.
Life skills help you stay on track and enjoy the ride of life.
Even if you don’t know where you’re headed yet, and you don’t know who’s going with you, life skills will help you take next steps, always towards a good place, towards better, towards safety, towards confidence, hope, and knowing you are loved.

Sources of Learning New Life Skills

Scientific/academic research
Personal experience
Ancient wisdom and faith traditions (e.g. wisdom literature and teachings in the Bible)
Modern writers and thinkers (e.g. those who share on books, blogs, podcasts, Youtube)

What’s Next?

person writing bucket list on book
The one skill you must learn, because your life and work depend on it
The attitude that distinguishes people who apply for, get, and keep jobs, from those who don’t
How you’re like a winning lottery ticket, a diamond, or a signed Willy Mays baseball card
How to follow your bread crumbs
How to avoid tripping on the biggest lie this generation keeps falling for
How to choose to be(come) happy each day (gratitude)
How to build a foundation and what the elements of a strong life foundation are

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