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ANPR BRD and context

V1: Post Facto Verification of VRN

New column to be added in FASTag Issuance Dashboard: “ANPR Verified VRN”
ANPR to read the VRN image picked from Fastag Issuance Audit Dashboard and fill the VRN generated in the above mentioned column.
Audit Team to manually verify the VRN generated through ANPR and VRN entered by FSE and put remark as follows:
VRN match ANPR
Not Required
VRN doesn’t match ANPR
Not Required
ANPR Didn’t Read
FSE Enters Correct VRN
Random Image Uploaded
There are no rows in this table
Correct VRN option pops up only when FSE ticks case 3
For Case 4,(Random Image Upload): Dashboard already this option

Two new columns to be introduced in the compliance dashboard
for every time i mention VRN it refers to the manual entry done by FSE
The ANPR column will have the ANPR readings of the vehicle image
The QC column will have the match of Manual readings by FSE to the ANPR reading; which will have a drop down of different cases case 1. VRN matches ANPR
case 2. VRN doesnt match ANPR
case 3. No image uploaded
case 4. random image uploaded
these cases will be there in the dropdown itself
the eventual goal is we will check all the data with which all the ANPR readings that matched the VRN readings to get a collective confidence parameter, we will analyse the confidence parameter and as the data set increases and is big enough to make a decision - we will bypass the manual entering of VRNs for all the cases where ANPR reading is that confidence parameter and above. (all the ANPR readings are stored in the DB)

Title: Fastag Issuance Process Improvement
Problem Statement:
Car owners face inconvenience while purchasing Fastags at tolls and other places. The Fastag issuance process involves manual entry of vehicle registration number (VRN), which can be prone to errors. Moreover, the verification process for the VRN is also manual, leading to a delay in the issuance process.
To improve the Fastag issuance process by introducing an Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) system to read and verify the VRN. The proposed solution aims to increase the accuracy and efficiency of the Fastag issuance process.

Success Metrics:

Increased accuracy in VRN recording.
Reduction in manual errors in the Fastag issuance process.

Two new columns to be introduced in the compliance dashboard
for every time i mention VRN it refers to the manual entry done by FSE
The ANPR column will have the ANPR readings of the vehicle image
The QC column will have the match of Manual readings by FSE to the ANPR reading; which will have a drop down of different cases
case 1. VRN matches ANPR
case 2. VRN doesnt match ANPR
case 3. No image uploaded
case 4. random image uploaded
the eventual goal is we will check all the data with which all the ANPR readings that matched the VRN readings to get a collective confidence parameter, we will analyse the confidence parameter and as the data set increases and is big enough to make a decision - we will bypass the manual entering of VRNs for all the cases where ANPR reading is that confidence parameter and above.
(all the ANPR readings are stored in the DB)
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