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Society homepage Revamp - Feature list D1


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Updated change after design review - product team call

we’re removing the notifications section from the menu hamburger option and moving the connect to <partner> mygate option below the my vehicle card with the redirection to <partner> flow
we are to have a TAT of 3 days, if the user doesn't connect to a partner, we’ll remove the connect to <partner> element from the homepage without any other entry point to do so

Requirement document DRAFT

1. Problem Statement:
The current Society Home lacks user engagement and relevant features, leading to a subpar user experience also, the current society users are not interacting with any other feaetures and product offerings of the app due to lack of education and nudges to use other services. The goal is to revamp the Society Home to improve user engagement, provide essential information, and introduce users to the various offerings by park+ and drive cross - selling for other services
2. Feature Goals:
Enhance the Society Home interface and user flow.
Introduce society users to different offerings by Park+ at one place.
Improve user engagement through gamification elements.
note : the homepage alerts are discarded. we’ll not be picking the alerts
Feature 1: Fetching Society Name and Flat Details
Description: The Society Home will display the Society Name as the heading and the Flat details as the subheading. The availability of Flat details will depend on different scenarios.
If Flat details addition flow is enabled, and user has added the flat details during onboarding, show the Flat details.
If Flat details addition flow is enabled, but the user has not added the flat details, prompt the user to add them. (Pulsating dot)
If Flat details addition flow is not enabled, hide the Flat details section.
If the Society Name cannot be fetched, display a static text of "My Society."

Feature 2: Alert Notifications for Vehicle Sync Status
Description: The Society Home will show alert notifications for different vehicle sync status cases, providing relevant communications to users based on their Park+ tag status.
Tag status - Synced: "Hurray! Your car is active for seamless travel in your society."
Tag status - Not synced: "Your Park+ tag is not synced, boom barriers will not open."
Tag status - Pilot (Society not live): "Your Park+ tag will start working once the boom barrier is active."
Tag status - Inactive: "Your Park+ tag is inactive, please contact your society admin."

Feature 3: Complete Your Onboarding Element
Description: The Society Home will display a Call-to-Action (CTA) element to "Complete Your Onboarding," guiding users through various onboarding steps involving multiple services.
The element will be present until all onboarding steps are completed, after which it will disappear from the homepage screen.

Feature 4: Hamburger Menu
Description: The Society Home will have a hamburger menu with three options:
Home Icon: Redirects to the same Society Homepage.
My Vehicle Icon: Redirects to the Vehicle Detail Page.
Help and Support Icon: Redirects to the Help and Support section with a QnA format.

Feature 5: My Car Activities
Description: The Society Home will display the latest vehicle entry and exit log within the society for each user's vehicles. Each vehicle will have a clickable card with a 3-dot menu for additional options. (Same action on car card click and 3 dot menu click)
Options in the 3-dot menu: "Car Activities," "Tag Sync Status," "Car Lock," and "Replace Tag."
Tag sync status , car lock and replace tag to have a drop down to select vehicle in the bottom sheet as well as in the screen to change vehicle inside the component itself.
Car Activities Page: Displays vehicle details, grouped by date, and shows all activity logs for that vehicle.
Tag Sync Status Page: Displays vehicle details and shows sync status against each gate, indicating internet access availability.
Tool Tip Icon: Provides relevant information about tag sync status and offers a CTA to "Try resyncing." And “understood” according to the case it applies for
My Car activities
Vehicle movement - we will have a UI component with the latest vehicle entry and exit log within that society with the last updated date - this is again vehicle level and will have multiple cards with a horizontal carousel for all the vehicles for that user in that society (also the entire card is clickable) each card to have a 3 dot menu clicking on which a bottom sheet will appear with the options to 1. “Car activities” , 2. “Tag sync status” 3. “Car lock” 4. “Replace tag”
Car Activities page will redirect to the “car activities” page (new UI)
Car activites page to have the vehicle details (VRN number, brand logo and model name)
the page should be grouped by date and all the logs should be visible from all the activities for that car
one case to handle - when there is no car activity , the card will show “no car activity yet” component with no entry and exit information

Feature 5.5 : Connect to <partner>

the connect to <partner> mygate option should be below the my vehicle card with the redirection to <partner> flow
we are to have a TAT of 3 days, if the user doesn't connect to a partner, we’ll remove the connect to <partner> element from the homepage without any other entry point to do so

Feature 6: MVO - "Wrong Car Parked in Your Spot" Banner
Description: The Society Home will display an MVO (Most Valuable Object) banner alerting users if a wrong car is parked in their spot, with a CTA to "Message Car Owner" to resolve the issue.

Feature 7: Contact Directory
Description: The Society Home will have a prominent horizontal UI for the contact directory, offering quick access to society admin, security numbers, and emergency numbers. Clicking on any option will redirect users to the Contact Directory page with the selected tab.
There should be a “off” configuration to disable the contact directory element as per requirement per site and the front UI should be handled as well accordingly.

Feature 8: Bill-Payments Section
Description: The Society Home will have a section for bill payments, displaying icons for electricity bill, mobile prepaid, mobile postpaid, and FASTag recharge. Clicking on each option will redirect users to the respective landing page for payment.

Feature 9: Add Dealer Component
Description: The Society Home will introduce an "Add Your Car Dealer" component for cross-selling offerings, showing benefits upfront. Users can add their car dealer, and the card will be updated accordingly, redirecting to the My Car Dealer homepage.

Feature 10: Store SKU Carousel (Accessories for Your Car)
Description: The Society Home will display a carousel of accessories for users' cars. Clicking "View All" will redirect users to the Store homepage, and clicking on any selected category will redirect to the respective category page

Feature 11: Gift Voucher SKU Carousel (Offers for You)
Description: The Society Home will display a carousel of gift vouchers and offers. Clicking "View All" will redirect users to the GV listing page, and clicking on any GV card or "Buy Now" button will redirect to the Voucher Detail page.

Success Metrics:
Overall Page Success:
Increase in the average time spent on the Society Homepage.
Engagement Success:
Increase in the number of onboarding steps completed by users.
- CTRs on the the cross sell elements (Buy petrol, Gift voucher, Car dealer, electricity bill, mobile prepaid, mobile postpaid, fastag recharge, store)
Cross-Sell Business Success:
Buy Petrol conversions (no of users landing on society home/no of users buying petrol)
Gift voucher conversions (no of users landing on society home/no. of users buying gift vouchers)
Car dealership acquisition funnel (no. of users landing on society homepage/number of users adding car dealers for their vehicle)
electricity bills paid (no. of users landing on society homepage/no. of users paying electricity bills via that element)
mobile prepaid and mobile postpaid paid (no. of users landing on society homepage/no. of users paying mobile prepaid and postpaid recharges)
Fastag recharges happening via society homepage entry point

User Flow and Example Cases:
Fetching Society Name and Flat Details:
User Flow:
User opens the app and navigates to the Society Homepage.
The app fetches the Society Name and Flat Details based on the user's society and onboarding status.
Society Name is displayed as the heading, and Flat Details are shown as the subheading or replaced with "My Society" if unavailable.
Example Cases:
Case 1: Flat details addition flow enabled, user added flat details during onboarding.
Case 2: Flat details addition flow enabled, user has not added flat details, prompting user to add them.
Case 3: Flat details addition flow not enabled, no Flat Details displayed.
Alert Notifications for Vehicle Sync Status:
User Flow:
User enters the Society Homepage.
App checks the Park+ tag status for the user's vehicle.
Displays an appropriate alert notification based on the tag status.
Example Cases:
Case 1: Tag status - Synced, communication "Hurray! Your car is active for seamless travel in your society."
Case 2: Tag status - Not synced, communication "Your Park+ tag is not synced, boom barriers will not open."
Case 3: Tag status - Pilot, communication "Your Park+ tag will start working once the boom barrier is active."
Case 4: Tag status - Inactive, communication "Your Park+ tag is inactive, please contact your society admin."
Complete Your Onboarding Element:
User Flow:
User visits the Society Homepage.
An element with "Complete Your Onboarding" CTA is displayed.
CTA remains until all onboarding steps are completed, then disappears.
Example Cases:
Case 1: User has completed all onboarding steps, CTA element disappears.
Case 2: User has not completed all onboarding steps, CTA element remains.
Hamburger Menu:
User Flow:
User accesses the Society Homepage.
Clicks on the hamburger menu icon.
Dropdown menu with three options appears.
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