Store Task Lists (Design + FE)

icon picker
7. Out of Stock case - PRDs and edges


Checkout button for in-stock items only
Prompt message to customer about the removal of the out-of-stock item and no charge for it
Option for customers to receive notifications when out-of-stock products become available again
Get similar items product list down
Notification trigger when the product is back in stock
Functional Requirements:
Checkout Button:
When the customer clicks the "Checkout" button, the app should only proceed with the purchase of the in-stock item(s) only.
The app should display a message to the customer that the out-of-stock item has been removed from the cart and that they will not be charged for it.
Customers should be able to opt to receive notifications when out-of-stock products become available again.
Notifications should be triggered when the product is back in stock, either via email or push notification, according to the user preferences
The notification should include a link to the product page, where the customer can add the product back to their cart.
View Similar Items:
The app should provide a view similar items hyperlink below the “product out of stock” box, which will be a drop-down of similar products.
A caraousel of similar items should be displayed based on a predefined algorithm that considers factors such as product category, price range, brand, and customer's purchase history.

Problem Statement

users can add multiple items to their cart while shopping on our e-commerce app. When one of the items in their cart goes out of stock, it can be unclear to the user how to proceed with their purchase. This can result in a poor user experience, leading to frustration and abandoned purchases.

Proposed Solution

To address this problem, we will proactively remove the product from the current order but the out of stock product showing just below the top fold with clear messaging to inform the user about the provide users with clear messaging when a product goes out of stock in their order, but not the entire order. We will also provide users with the ability to remove the out-of-stock item from their cart or proceed with the purchase of the in-stock item(s) only.
Also we could trigger a notification as soon as the product is back in stock to the user.


Display a clear message when a product in the order goes out of stock, but not the entire order.
Provide users with the abilitry to remove the out-of-stock item from their cart.
Provide users with the ability to proceed with the purchase of the in-stock item(s) only.
Ensure that the user is not charged for the out-of-stock item if they proceed with the purchase of the in-stock item(s) only.

User Flow

User adds multiple items to their cart.
One of the items in the cart goes out of stock.
App displays a message indicating that the out-of-stock item has been removed from the cart or that the user can proceed with the purchase of the in-stock item(s) only.
If the user chooses to proceed with the purchase of the in-stock item(s) only, the app ensures that they are not charged for the out-of-stock item.

Acceptance Criteria

The app displays a clear message when a product in the order goes out of stock, but not the entire order.
The user is able to remove the out-of-stock item from their cart.
The user is able to proceed with the purchase of the in-stock item(s) only.
The app ensures that the user is not charged for the out-of-stock item if they proceed with the purchase of the in-stock item(s) only.

Technical Requirements

The app must be able to check the availability of items in real-time to ensure that out-of-stock items are handled properly.
The app must be able to update the cart and order totals in real-time based on the user’s actions.
The app must be able to communicate with the payment gateway to ensure that the user is not charged for the out-of-stock item if they proceed with the purchase of the in-stock item(s) only.


By providing users with clear messaging and the ability to remove out-of-stock items or proceed with the purchase of in-stock item(s) only, we can improve the user experience on our e-commerce app and reduce the number of abandoned purchases due to confusion or frustration.

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