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Stack & Tools

We always try to find new tools, and maintain our stack to recent and performant systems, as such that list evolve often, though that’s what we are working with at the moment.

Frontend Web Application

Built with Vite
Hosted on AWS S3 / Cloudfront
Components built and tested with Storybook and Chromatic
Unit Tests with Jest

Backend Server

Core 6 Web Apis
Entity Framework
Postgres db hosted on AWS RDS
Unit Tests with XUnit
Hosted on AWS ECS
Some AWS lambda functions
All environment created and maintained via Terraform scripts

Software lifecycle

Gitlab as code repository and CI/CD
Jira for task management
Figma for designs
Microsoft Teams for daily communication
Coda for documentation and source of truth
All tools are interconnected.
Codieum & Codium AI for developer co-pilot and test generation

Quality Assurance

Automation testing done with Playwright
Help on manual testing and bug Reporting with Jam.dev

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