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Communication & Daily Schedule

We have a few synchronous communication moments:
Usual hours ​We usually work from 9am HKT (UTC+8) to 6pm HKT. Though we offer some flexibility for team members to move some hours around, because we understand that life happens. See
Daily standup every day at 9:15 HKT. We expect the whole team to be present, video on. It’s a short call for planning the day, talk of blockers and synchronize the team. It’s also a good occasion for small talks and start the day on a good mood !
Kanban, no sprints We recently transitions from having 2 weeks sprints to using a Kanban with an order backlog where team members pull their work from, and having synchronization meetings at the beginning of big items
Experimental Fridays Ideally every Mid sprint Friday, if anyone proposed some good topic to try as a full or partial team, we dedicate a few hours trying out new tools, flows, organization etc..
Monthly Socials Because it’s also important to have a bit of fun once in a while.

Beside those, communication is made in Teams, on different channels, and people jump on call when needed.

A few rules:

Give your plan for the day and topics you want to discuss in the Update channel before the morning standup call
Give updates in the Update channel
Each time you finish a task and move to a new one, and each time you need to be afk more than 10 min. You don't need to say what you’re doing, we just need to know we cannot expect you here.
At the end of your day.
If you encounter a blocker or are stuck for more than 20/30 minutes on something, ask for help in the chat !
It’s a good practice to have a few minutes break on your task every half an hour or hour. Use that to check the chat and answer where you are tagged. Hence we expect to be able to answer message they are tag around that frequency
If you plan on going into the zone for some time, warn the team so we don't disturb you
Do not use private messages. Only for actual private matters, everything else should be in one of the public channels, or for actually urgent matters

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