2-3 sentence explanation of the story idea with specific points about why it's important, and who the intended audience is.
General idea of what the story is and why it's important
Explanation of topic
News peg
Clear description of why the story is important now
Lack of specificity on news peg
No news peg
Main piece
Written or video?
Written or video?
Written or video?
Interview plan
A list of minimally 20 people who can be sources, local experts, and national experts, with exact names and titles.
A list of minimally 10 people who can be sources, local experts, and national experts, with exact names and titles.
A list of ideas about people without exact names or titles
Secondary element 1
Exact explanation of where and who you want to shoot photos OR Exact explanation of where and who you want to shoot video/gather audio OR plans for infographic
General idea of where and who would be in photo, video, audio, or infographic
Decision on photo, video, audio, or infographic
Secondary element 2
Exact explanation of where and who you want to shoot photos OR Exact explanation of where and who you want to shoot video/gather audio OR plans for infographic
General idea of where and who would be in photo, video, audio, or infographic
Decision on photo, video, audio, or infographic