Features Section
Features Section with Icon , Title and small description
Fullscreen Image with right content area
A vivid image of a beautiful waterfull in a forest.
Why Us | Title Paragraph Button with Background
This patterns provides a Why us or hero section with title, paragraph and call to action button. It also includes background color.
Discount Coupon Promo CTA
60% OFF Discount promo coupon code Call to action (CTA) Button fully responsive
Stylish Minimal Meet Our Team section
Introducing our responsive Meet Our Team section for Gutenberg. Three sleek columns feature profile pics, names, designations, and short descriptions. Plus, social icons for easy connectivity. Elevate your site now!
Responsive Stylish 3 Columns Pricing Table
This is a Responsive Stylish 3 Column Pricing Table. For better user Experience the design made minimalist
Modern Minimalist Features Section
Modern Minimalist Features Section: Why Choose Us . You will love the responsive and user friendly design
Hero + heading + description with cover backround
Simple Hero + heading + description with cover backround and overlay.
Simple FAQ Section
This is a simple faq text details list section with single images.
Princing table columns featured in center
A basic 3 columns pricing table to center the attention in the center featured column.
There are three columns in the footer, allowing you to input different URLs in each column.
Skills section with image and percentage bars
Use columns and background to simulate a progress bar, current progress can be changed in columns background gradient
Customers testimonials in 3 columns
Customers reviews in 3 columns with image, description, starts and names.
Three columns with image + heading + description
3 columns with image heading and description, usually good for display services.
Image Text Button Pattern
This pattern has text, button, image, so I have named this Image Text Button Pattern. This will be helpful if we need Text, Button, Image pattern.
Our customers with logo brands
4 columns grouped with a heading and description, then 3 columns with logos.
Cards with media and text
3 Columns cards with a title and brief description.
CTA Section
Call to action and button Patten
Footer Copyright Section
Responsive Discount Coupon CTA Button
Responsive Discount Coupon CTA Button
Three Columns Gallery Section
Three Columns Gallery Section for using show portfolio images and projects.
Responsive Pros Cons Comparison Table Section
Responsive Pros Cons Section for Comparison Table
2 Column Download CTA
Simple 2 column download table CTA
Cool Stylish Header
This Cool Stylish Header Pattern helps in creating of a advance Header quickly.
Team Listing Block
This complete Team grid block for any business website.
Our Experience
Showing your experience in Numbers
Show Your Picture
CTA Banner
CTA banner designed to capture attention and drive conversions. Adapt these elements based on the specific goals and audience of your campaign.
Sticky Glossary
A list of terms accompanied by definitions that explain their meaning separated by a sticky title.
Cover Block Fix Background
Create your Vision and Mission with cover block fix background
Header With Cover Block and Button
Header with Cover Block, Title, Description, and Button for your Blogs
Inline Card with avatar, title and description
Here's an example card with an avatar image and a brief description on the right.
Pricing Block
Sass like pricing block.
Full width overlay cover with centered heading
This pattern includes a full-width overlay cover image with its heading centered and outlined with a border.
Footer With about us links and social media
Services/expertise with three column
Call To Action
Call To action with tag line
About Me Banner
Simple about me banner or profile banner.
Hero Section
Hero section or cover section for your page with CTA link and social links
Footer Credits
Footer credits copyrights text with social links
Left and right image box with text
The "Left and Right Image Box with Text" pattern is designed to showcase content with balanced imagery and accompanying text. This pattern features a layout where an image is displayed alongside text, providing a visually engaging way to present information.
Pricing Table
Simple pricing table or comparison table.
Our Team
Team Pattern embodies the synergy of diverse talents converging into a harmonious tapestry of innovation and efficiency.
Two columns with images and text
Stats Strip
A strip that can be used to show various numbers/stats.
Why People Loves Us
A pattern block which can be used to show features or USPs that why people love the brand/secrvice
Contact Details With Image
This Pattern Can Be Use For Phone No. Email, Address
4 Columns Footer
Its a footer with social icon and copyright.
Tittle Heading Contact Details With Appointment Booking Button
In This Pattern, We Have Tittle ,Heading Contact Details, With Appointment Booking Button
Feature Image Its Description And Button For More Details
This Pattern Has Feature Image Its Description And Button For More Details
Three Columns With Text Image And Button
This Pattern Has Three Columns With Text Image And Button
Round Center Image With Heading Paragraph and Button
This Image Has a Round Center Image With a Heading Paragraph and Button
Call to action with background image
Call to action block with background image that fits the full width of the browser. The content will respect the width defined by the design.
Nature’s masterpiece: a background frame of natural beauty.
This image features a beautifully crafted frame of leafy foliage and delicate vines surround a portion of the overlaid text. Combining the natural elements and the overlaid paragraph creates a harmonious and visually celebrates the beauty of the outdoors. This enchanting scene invites viewers to appreciate the wonders of nature.
Gallery Images with Ultimate Bird Arts.
This pattern is a gallery relevant section for using web templates. Here we create a birds gallery section where you'll find an extraordinary array of bird images that highlight the stunning colors, elegant flight patterns, and unique behaviors of these fascinating creatures.
Activities Section for Web Blocks
This block is designed to seamlessly integrate into your website, offering a dynamic and visually appealing showcase of available activities. This section features set against a striking black-and-white image of a futuristic space station orbiting the moon. The modern, clean design invites visitors to explore a variety of activities.
Grid 3 image with CTA button and text
Grid 3 image with CTA button and text
Call To Action Section – Get Started
Why Choose Us Section
Why choose us for web development section, ready to use for IT service providers.
Hero Professional Contact
This is a simple hero for introducing a people professional profile
Social Proof
You can add in the hero section below CTA
Vertical Timeline
A series of vertically stacked three-column layouts with the center column representing a vertical line, which allows for a visual continuation to tie each set of three-columns as a timeline of events.
Project Details
This pattern is copied from Twenty Twenty-Four theme.
Services Pattern
3 Column Services Pattern
Discount sale banner :
Discount sale banner :
Featured boxes
A featured boxes with description and links
Cover with title, paragraph and button
Block cover with title on left, paragraph and purple button on right
Teams Members
Columns showcasing the team member section for a page
About Agency
About us section for agencies, businesses and freelancers.
Creative Pricing Table
This is a creative pricing table for users to insert as a pattern in their project.
Case Studies
Case studies section includes: post thumbnail, post title, excerpt and read more
Exclusive Coupon Code
Exclusive Coupon Code
Related Post Landscape Design
Related post for pages where you can select the categories, tags, or other filters. Moreover, you can change the number of related post listed. This design shows a featured image to the left, and the title and the date to the right (on desktop and mobile). You are welcome to change the background, text or border colors.
Call To Action
Block pattern for call to action
Callout box
Callout box includes the heading & button combination with gradient background.
Copyright Notice
The text you've provided appears to be a copyright notice typically found at the bottom of web pages, documents, or other content. It indicates that the content is protected by copyright owned by Dhaval59 Technology Pvt. Ltd., and that all rights are reserved.
Footer Section Overview
This is a footer section of a website. The footer is divided into three sections: company information, about the company, and technologies. The first section provides contact details Like Address, Email, and Phone number. The "About" and "Technologies" sections are hyperlinks to different pages on the company's website.
Full-width container with text and media
This pattern used for Full-width container with text and media
Three columns with images, heading and description
This pattern is used for Three columns with images, heading and description.
A minimal and clean footer for displaying useful links, social icons and copyright information.
Header – Full width image with header content and button
Header - Full width image with header content and button is useful for banner with content and button as well as useful for about section and many more which are similar to this contents.
Two column intro area with heading ,description and image with Read More link
Two column intro area with header description and images with readmore button
Simple footer with dark background and social links
Simple footer with dark background, site logo, navigation and social links
Side Projects
A pattern to showcase your side projects in 4 columns.
Large header with center aligned text
Large header with center aligned text
Grid Cards
Displays a grid of items and each item has an image, linked heading and short excerpt.
Call to action with multi buttons
Useful create call to action on pages
Blog Layout Pattern
This is Blog Layout Pattern Structure
Team Layout Pattern
This is the Team Block Pattern.
Feature Spread, Left
A layout with large text on the left and a supporting image on the right, designed to highlight key content.