/vue app
description of the task, some screenshots of working app, and some notes (i.e. what i would do if i had more time)
/vue app/ frontend
description of frontend, and the router.js
vuejs routing, Apollo
/vue app/ frontend / views
code samples for frontend views Home.vue and PokemonByName.vue
vuejs views
/vue app/ frontend / components
code samples for frontend views Poke.vue, PokeList.vue, and Heart.vue
vuejs components
/py samples
description of the selected Python samples, and an explanation of why I chose them to share.
/py samples / PCA app
description of the full-stack PCA application, at a high level.
/py samples / PCA app / app skeleton
a simplified code sample of the react and flask skeleton for the PCA application.
flask, pandas, reactjs
/py samples / PCA app / neural network
a code sample of a neural network that runs on a Pandas dataframe by with an updates db table
tensorflow, keras
/py samples / selected samples / refactorable Qiskit
a page where i’m exploring Diego’s question regarding how to make Qiskit more pythonic
/py samples / selected samples / React app template
a reusable Flask-react skeleton. It was used to start the PCA app, but the skeleton was prepared to be reuseable, and for teaching.
flask, reactjs
/py samples / selected samples / tensorflow ml models
a set of mL algs and neural networks