The Tech Club exists to assist BYU students of all majors land jobs at top technology companies creating awareness about existing opportunities, and preparing students to make an impact in those roles.
The Entrepreneur Club provides students with an opportunity to connect with like-minded students from across campus.
We're here to help each other become better developers, teach each other about new and interesting technology, and provide an engaging space for everyone to code.
The Engineers in Business Club provides a centralized organization where business-minded engineers can meet business students and like-minded peers from the various engineering departments
The Entrepreneurship Club is the flagship student entrepreneurship club on campus.
We are an ambitious group developing our skills and knowledge for finance. Together we prepare for internships and careers while building a network of fellow students and professionals that will last an entire lifetime.
Becoming a Lassonde student leader is a great way to learn and practice your entrepreneurial skills. Opportunities include being a leader for networking programs, skills and mentorship programs, competitions and more.
MBA Tech Society students from all disciplines build lasting relationships with each other, explore the diverse careers within the high tech industry, are exposed to opportunities for internships and full-time employment, and learn about the dynamic tech landscape.
Engineers can, and should, become leaders in the community. The University of Utah is one place to develop community and professional interests and leadership.
The BYU Private Equity and Venture Capital Club (PE&VC Club) provides students with both a broad understanding and specialized focus of buy-side opportunities.
The mission of the Product Management Association is to promote the field of product management and prepare students for a successful career in product management.
We exist to help students design digital or physical products that are useful, easy to use, and delightful to interact with.