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Underdog Protocol

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GTM, Filled In (Underdog June 2022)


Based on three conversations with you, Kevin, I want to give you a high-level of what I think your Go-To-Market Motions can begin to look like. If I remember correctly, we have already discussed this at a high-level during our times at Atlas Cafe.

Step 1: Define your target market and ideal customer profile

professional market
1B ‘knowledge Workers’
Earning ~35000/yr
$35B TAM
Target: crypto natives and web3 early adopters.
Biggest pain point(s):
very hard to find/bring talent to web3
looking for productive ways to give back
Solution: a mentor with benefits, nurture talent and benefit from their growth.


Target: ambitious digital natives, bullish about web3 and community-owned platforms.
Biggest pain point(s):
undervalued by the old world of work, where background matters more than merit, and only some can win.
Solution: a support network, powered by a social token, to help them accelerate their career
Talent Segments
Underprivileged: talented but with no network or fancy credentials; from underprivileged backgrounds, usually recommended by partner organizations like Girl Move.
Builders: founders and digital knowledge workers like designers, engineers, economists, product or community managers.
Creators (music, illustration, digital art, writer, podcaster, youtuber)
Explorers (researching or experimenting in groundbreaking areas)
Season 0: Builders & Beta Testers
In Szn0 we are looking for ambitious knowledge workers and digital builders that believe web3 is the future to join as talent. This includes people like founders, engineers, designers, economists, product managers, community builders.
This diverse group of individuals should have:
a WOW factor (super inspiring career goal, or interesting life story, or novelty of the sector, or previous noteworthy career achievements);
a small group of very committed early believers (10-100 true fans) or be recommended/backed by a credible organization (ex.: );
a vision for the role a token economy would play in their professional life and ongoing projects, and have clear use cases for holding, earning, and spending tokens;
a beta tester mindset to help us improve Underdog.
Season 1: High-Potential Professionals
In Szn1 we are looking for high-potential knowledge workers that believe web3 is the future. This includes people like
This diverse group of individuals should have:
a WOW factor: a super inspiring career goal, and interesting life story, or previous noteworthy career achievements;
ideally a small group of very committed early believers (10-100 true fans) or be recommended/backed by a credible organization;
a vision for the role a token economy would play in their professional life and ongoing projects, and have clear use cases for holding, earning, and spending tokens;
a beta tester mindset to help us improve Underdog
Talent Sources
Where new talent comes from:
Open Applications for the Web3 curious (voted by the community) → struggling artists, dissatisfied engineers, disappointed managers, bored designers ...
Inspiring talent from underprivileged backgrounds, usually recommended by Partner Organizations (Girl Move, …)
Direct invites to Web3 established talent and influencers (important as anchors to attract new users, they will be helping undervalued talent, less barriers to adoption, easier onboarding)

Competition (Indirect & Direct)

Step 2: Define your offer and value proposition

Value Proposition
We’re enabling collective success between talent and their professional network through social tokens
We are making it easy to Back the People You Believe In


Step 3: Define your brand and positioning

Brand Promise
We are are the only space for underdogs to reward and grow alongside their professional network.
For supporters, we are the only way to be recognized for supporting the highest-potential people you know.

Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 10.52.05 AM.png
Brand Personality
Screen Shot 2022-06-08 at 10.52.13 AM.png
Brand/ Product Persona

Emotional Benefits

Functional Benefits
Find the people who support you and are most helpful to you
Reward the people who help you the most with perks theyll find helpful
Create a community of people who share your beliefes and goals

Features + Attributes
Discover Token Page
Airdrop Tool
Share Airdrop Tool
Invite Supporter
Profile Page where all Assets Held

Step 4: Decide which channels to reach your target customers

Levers added to Channels
Social Media
Co-Marketing w/ Partners

UP Community
PUPS ( Early Testers and Token Launchers)
Network Partner(s)

Student/ Professional Communities

Co-Hosted Events w Partners + Communities
College Visits
Social Tokens
Decentralized Identity
Product Led
G-Mail, Twitter, Linkedin Integration
‘Popl’ for Crypto

Step 5: Set your distribution plan

Content + Social Media
Authentic Conversations with ‘Underdog Talent’ on Underdog Stories about their story, big break, creating a network, and their vision for their future.
Thought Leadership on all Crypto/Blockchain Ecosystems and potential of the entire technology. Specifically around using blockchain to accelerate talent and reward supporters for their hard work. We should be able to repurpose across a ton
Education/Knowledge Hub on overall need to knows in crypto and anything that could be important to Social Tokens/ NFTs/ Set-Up/ De-Fi.
For what it’s worth I think that we can create a hub and also a newsletter that would be the top of funnel. Though this falls in line with what our competitors are doing.
Cold Outbound to network parters (orgs.) that fit the mantra of our vision - rewarding supporters and supporting underdog talent. Our purpose would be to test launching tokens with their high potential talent/users. We would be running these calls exactly like a B2B process with a demo + trial. Based on competitive research these are the segments we should look for: labs/accelerators/, dao/communities/clubs, talent platforms, education institutions, hackathons, ...
Warm Referrals from our own professional/personal network into potential network partners , underdog talent/creators who are curious of launching their token, and any other supporter who may know talent that they believe in so we can increase our tokens created and community members
Bottoms-Up, acquire members of communities like Forge to join our community, build a ‘collective token’, and work our way up to an official partnership with the organization
The communities that we will want to partner with are - Professional Clubs, Web3 Native Communities, and DAOs.
PUPS ( Early Testers and Token Launchers)

Co-Hosted Events with our Network-Partners & Communities (IRL or in where we can incentivize networking like a happy hour, pizza party, speaker event, or even a workshop.
Reward Bounties (sort of paid) we will want to use our talent ($dani, $kevin, $sid, etc) in order to grow our existing community and spread messaging for us. We should expect to create/share assets/ threads/ memes that they can pick from and post.
College Visits to local colleges that have any blockchain, professional, business, entrepreneurial type clubs for us to throw a happy hour with or even outbound. → See Forge Example on how to do this
We can either host this on SEO or an existing 3rd party (substack/notion) but it would be easier for us to have this on our website so it can also lead into acquisition of potential talent, supporters, or involved community members
Create SEO content explaining Social Tokens - their impact, how they’re going to evolve, how people can use them, and more,then pay for the articles to be crawled up google
Create SEO content explaining NFTs- their impact, how they’re going to evolve, how people can use them, and more, then pay for the articles to be crawled up google
Create SEO content explaining Decentralized Identity - its impact, how its going to evolve, how people can use it professionally, then pay for the articles to be crawled up google
Product Led
G-Mail, Twitter, Linkedin Integration
‘Popl’ for Crypto

Step 6: Choose the right metrics to monitor your progress

North Star for our Vision
Underdog Protocol makes it possible to directly back the people you believe in and bridge the gap between talent and opportunity. We’re making it easy for individuals to enjoy collective success in their professional journey between their friends and their communities.

North Star for our Target Market
• Total # of Token Holders
• Total # of Connections Made
• Total Amount of Helpfulness Tokens Shared
Total $talent tokens held
Individual Underdogs Supported (Network-Size)
Total ‘Helpfulness’ Tokens held

Step 7: Create Product Strategy Stack

Product Strategy Stack
Underdog Protocol makes it possible to directly back the people you believe in and bridge the gap between talent and opportunity. We’re making it easy for individuals to enjoy collective success in their professional journey between their friends and their communities.
Company Strategy
We’re a decentralized professional platform for talent to discover opportunities, reward, and connect with supporters that believe & helps accelerate their professional journey.
Product Strategy
Discovery page for New Talent ( Supporters)
Ability to Invite Supporters, Friends, and other Talent (All)
Display Career Tokens & Helpfulness Tokens (Supporters + Talent)
Connect with supports who hold career/or helpfulness tokens (Talent)
Update Supporters who hold career/or helpfulness tokens Talent)
Airdrop Rewards to Supporters (Talent)
Reward Reedemer Tool (Supporters)

Product Roadmap
Recommendation Engine for People
Invitation Tool
Discovery Feed
Airdrop Tool (One-Click)
Search Bar
Community Connection Tool
Profile Page to display NFT’s/ Tokens/ Network

Total # of Token Holders
Individual Underdogs Supported (Network-Size/Connection Made)
Total ‘Helpfulness’ Tokens held + Sent

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