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GTM, Filled In (Underdog June 2022)

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Version 0.5

We should focus on acquisition for season zero on the marketing end. Why? I think that we’re not only learning the levers needed to make this engine run but also need to begin to develop brand and leads for the following seasons. Based on Go-to-Market, we’re ‘throwing shit at the wall with 5 levers: Social + Content, Community, Partnerships, Guerilla, Paid, Product Led. I will note that Community & Content will and should be used for the purpose of engagement and retention. Based on diving into Talent Protocol, it seems like that is something that they’ve decided to shift their marketing efforts towards. I believe that we should focus on acquiring Underdog Talent and using Talent-Led Acquisition through our Career Badges + Season Zero efforts. We should be able to build top of funnel through our content, guerilla, and paid efforts. Any content we create should be aimed at educating markets on social tokens/crypto or the importance of supporting talent we believe in. Our Guerilla efforts should be focused on creating brand and leading to our engagement + retention hooks of community. We’ll focus our efforts on creating content through our CMS to repurpose on Twitter, and then promote through our creator talent and through SEO.
It’s important to note that these marketing levers will be used until we are at scale (we will know when) and will be uniquely adjusted per season.
This should be the document where all marketing ideas, experiments, and tests should be coming from. This lays out what our marketing is going to be. We can think about this as our master base that we can pick from. If we took what we laid out in Go-To-Market and said, ok but ‘how’ and ‘when’, this is it.
For what it’s worth, I believe that this will be similar for seasons but will have different campaigns based on the positioning/messaging we are trying to convey. In the plan itself, I will break down experiments, campaigns, and other ideas per season and stage of the funnel. THIS IS HIGH-LEVEL. Each specific marketing action, “blog” , “podcast”, partnerships” , will have it’s own page to dive deeper into.
Bring on 50+ PUP Beta Testers into our Community
Create a waitlist of 1k+ underdog talent for Season 1
Bring in ~10 network connections per PUP onboarded onto Underdog (+500 total)
Create supporter community of talented people
Create a following of 1k+ subscribers/ followers to our podcasts, blogs, and social media
Bring in 10+ Network Partners in order to connect/onboard talent onto Underdog

• Social Tokens are a confusing topic in which people do not understand and barrier to usage on sol is too high
• Competition in the space pushes out of market based on fundraising, speed, brand, product, or experience
• We may reach our limits + knowledge as team, leading to effort + time outsource
Plan (segmented by occurrence + stage of funnel)
Name of Idea
GTM Lever
Stage of Funnel
Underdog Podcast
Underdog Newsletter
Break Down Social Tokens
Solana Development
Souldbound Tokens on Solana
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