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Libyco-Berber writing

In the sacred precincts of Poseidon there were bulls at large; and the ten princes, being alone by themselves, after praying to the God that they might capture a victim well-pleasing unto him, (119e) hunted after the bulls with staves and nooses but with no weapon of iron; and whatsoever bull they captured they led up to the pillar and cut its throat over the top of the pillar, raining down blood on the inscription. And inscribed upon the pillar, besides the laws, was an oath which invoked mighty curses upon them that disobeyed. (Critias 119d-e)

They gave and received judgement, if any of them accused any of committing any transgression. And when they had given judgement, they wrote the judgements, when it was light, upon a golden tablet, and dedicated them together with their robes as memorials. (Critias 120c)

Recording and research on Mauritanian rock art has been limited in comparison with other Saharan rock art traditions, and has mainly been undertaken by French scholars, as Mauritania was formerly part of French West Africa (British museum, n.d.-b)
Sahanja Berber
atlantis symbol berbers
Platos dialogue so far has been very accurate, and writing seems natural to have occurred, plus there is archaeological evidence
tifinagh inscription !!!! tifinagh oud, severely understudied
reference Atlantians literate PILLAR, served great political purpose so not circumstantial
writing did not exist before sumerians OR we didnt get delivered
basque reference pws
zenaga mauritanian amazigh near extinct, 200 speakers NEED TO RECORD TUZZUNGIYYA
canarisch GUANCHES civilisatie Telde Goldar kingdoms Berber writing system
writing did not start logographically??
plato mwntions atlantian writing? presetved informayion?
isthmian writing
Atlanteans could measure distances
atlantis namen vertaling andere talen??
sumerian basque georgian
berber people lived in region since at least 10.000 BC Historical Dictionary of the Berbers (Imazighen), by Hsain Ilahiane, (2006), p. 112. Quote: "The Siwan people are mostly Berbers, the indigenous people who once roamed the North African coast between Tunisia and Morocco. They inhabited the area as early as 10,000 B.C., first moving toward the coast but later inland as conquering powers pushed them to take refuge in the desert."
Wellicht is er ook een evolutionaire lijn te trekken tussen de schriften van het Tamazight (wat al 12.000 jaar bestaat) dat door de huidige Berbers wordt gebruikt, en het nabijgelegen N’Ko schrift, Magdalenische letters, een inscriptie die op de ingang van de tempe van Gizeh is gevonden en zelfs proto-sanskriet naar een eventueel oorspronkelijk Atlantisch schrift, omdat deze schriften tot op heden tot geen enkele andere schriften zijn teruggeleid:
Local inhabitants claim that is older
list of berberilogists mainly french colonial, MIJN VID DOORSTUREN naar 1935-present – Michael Peyron (French) 1950-present – Salem Chaker (Algerian) 1953-present – Moha Ennaji (Moroccan) 1966-present – Maarten Kossmann (Dutch)
According to M. C. A. MacDonald, the Tuareg are "an entirely oral society in which memory and oral communication perform all the functions which reading and writing have in a literate society ... The Tifinagh are used primarily for games and puzzles, short graffiti and brief messages."
We moeten luisteren naar de orale traditie van de berbers zelf
tifinagh graffiti Tifinagh (Alphabet), Tamazight (Language) is one of the oldest written and spoken languages in the world, if not the first! The word Tifinagh means; tifin "Discovery" nagh "Oneself". It still exist till today and its spread among the Amazigh tribes from the Canaries islands in the Atlantic to the Siwa oasis in Egypt, and from the mediterranean sea in north Africa to the niger river in the Sahara.

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