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Less well studied than Adrar, the Tagant plateau contains several painting sites showing horses and riders such as those at the sites of Agneitir Dalma and Tinchmart. The archaeologically significant area of the Tichitt-Walata ridge, a chain of escarpments known for its Neolithic settlements, is largely located within the wider Tagant region to the east of the plateau, and also features many engravings and some paintings. The first introduction of the domestic horse to Ancient Egypt- and thereby to Africa- is usually cited at around 1600 BC, linked with the arrival in Egypt of the Hyksos, a group from the Levant who ruled much of Northern Egypt during the Second Intermediate Period. By this point, horses had probably only been domesticated for about 2,000 years, but with the advent of the chariot after the 3rd millennium BC in Mesopotamia, the horse proved to be a valuable martial asset in the ancient world. One of the first clear records of the use of horses and chariots in battle in Africa is found in depictions from the mortuary complex of the Pharaoh Ahmose at Abydos from around 1525 BC, showing their use by Egyptians in defeating the Hyksos, and horses feature prominently in later Egyptian art. such simplistic categorisation can be misleading. For one thing, although mounting horses certainly gained popularity over driving them, it is not always clear that depictions of ridden horses are not contemporary with those of chariots. Further, the horse remained an important martial tool after the use of war-chariots declined. There is huge diversity of horse depictions throughout northern Africa, with some forms highly schematic. This variation is not only in style – and, as previously noted, in time period and geography – but also in context, as of course images of one subject cannot be divorced from the other images around them, on whichever surface has been chosen, and are integral to these surroundings. Iit is clear that following its introduction to the continent, the hardy and surefooted desert horse’s usefulness for draught, transport and fighting purposes transformed the societies which used it and gave it a powerful symbolic value.

Histoire du cheval en Afrique du Nord
Last edited: Sun, Jul 3, 2022
L′histoire du cheval en Afrique du Nord, débute par une possible présence préhistorique controversée, puis se poursuit avec l'introduction du cheval domestique en Égypte antique.
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Atlas wild ass
Last edited: Thu, Apr 11, 2024
The Atlas wild ass (Equus africanus atlanticus), also known as Algerian wild ass, is a purported extinct subspecies of the African wild ass that was once found across North Africa and parts of the Sahara.
It was last represented in a villa mural ca. 300 AD in Bona, Algeria, and may have become extinct as a result of Roman sport hunting.
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Poseidon associated with horse and chariot invention
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