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Susan M Davis

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Volunteer Experience

Volunteer Experience
I was asked by the president of FMCA (the largest RV organization in the country) to serve on their Membership Engagement committee. The organization has been losing members for several years. Our committee is working to bring in younger members, get more members involved and suggesting changes to the governing board to help them move forward and stay relevant with today’s society. I am currently serving on this committee.
Hearts for the Homeless
My family helped with this ministry by making sandwiches and passing them out to the homeless every week. I created a logo for their organization and built a web site to get the word out about their ministry. I registered them with other organizations to help them find volunteers and share what they were doing. I also talked with other churches to try and help them get funding for their ministry.
Home of Hope
I served as Secretary/Treasurer of a startup nonprofit that was working to provide housing for recovering alcoholics. I helped them incorporate and file all paperwork to start the business. Also handled all meeting minutes and bookkeeping.
River Forest HOA
I volunteered for our HOA in a suburb of Fort Worth Texas to help them with getting the newsletter delivered to all residents. I was elected President after serving 1 year during a time where the HOA was having constant threats of lawsuits from unhappy residents. I navigated the hostility and worked with both sides of the conflict to save the HOA money from unnecessary lawsuits and worked towards finding a solution that all residents could live with.
I was asked by the owner of RVillage to help them with their second rally. I helped them get organized by analyzing their previous rally and pulling together all of their information and organized it into an online document system so they could more easily replicate their process in the future. In addition, I volunteered on site to help with check in, managed the volunteers, staffed the information booth all week and filled in wherever I was needed.
I was asked by the president of FMCA (the largest RV organization in the country) to serve on their Membership Engagement committee. The organization has been losing members for several years. Our committee is working to bring in younger members, get more members involved and suggesting changes to the governing board to help them move forward and stay relevant with today’s society. I am currently serving on this committee.

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