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Learning Flutter

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Getting Started

In this page I’l be showing you how to download and get started coding apps in flutter. There are multiple ways you can go about downloading flutter, but what WEquil School does and what we support is this way of downloading flutter.
Here is the official flutter page explaining how to download flutter for macs:

You will need to download three things:
Visual Studio Code:
Visual Studio Code is a code editor...there are multiple code editors you can use such as AndroidStudios and IntelliJ but this is the one we recommend.
You’ll find downloading the flutter sdk as the first step in the downloading flutter guide. Once you’ve downloaded it you will have to update your path in your terminal which the document outlines how to do.
XCode is what creates the simulator which you run your app on. You download XCode on the app store on your mac, so you won’t be able to get it on Windows.

Once you download these three things you have to do a few more things first:
Update your path
Setup your simulator in XCode
Download the extensions “flutter” and “dart” in VisualStudioCode in the Marketplace

The directions on how to do these things is in the flutter download guide:
To start your first project go into your terminal, and cd* into which folder you want to store your flutter project. Then use the command flutter create project you can switch out project for any name you want and a folder will appear if everything has been downloaded and setup correctly.
Once you’ve made a project, open it in VisualStudioCode so you can actually edit the project.
*cd means change Desktop would mean go into the Desktop folder

Making your first app

To learn the basics of Flutter, you can watch my flutter basics video here:
To learn more and expand your knowledge I have many other videos you can check out:

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