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Firebase is a backend extension of Flutter developed by Google to store data for applications. It allows for many types of functionality and is a great next step for Flutter developers wanting to build full stack applications. Firebase also allows you to deploy your Flutter application to a web browser for anyone to view your app just by going to a URL.

Setup Your Firebase Project

Here’s how you can start creating your Firebase account and connecting it to your Flutter project.
Create An Account on Firebase: Sign up to Firebase with your Google account at:
Click ‘Go to Console’ to view all your projects in Firebase.

Create a Firebase Project: Click ‘Add a Project’ in the console to setup a new backend. Input the name of your project and either enable or disable Google Analytics based on your needs.
Google Analytics is a service form Firebase providing information and statistics on app usage and user activities on your app. For most beginners, this won’t be needed for your project and can always be added later.

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