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Coda Admin API - What, Why, When and How

The is used by Coda admins to access user data, and Coda workspace and organization controls. It is intended to work in tandem with the in-product controls you are already familiar with. To access the API, we recommend using the coda-built , which acts as a UI layer to the API. The pack can be used to simply view data, or to build yourself a full, custom admin app.

Video overview

When to use in-product controls versus Admin API

The in-product control panel and the Coda Admin API are both fantastic ways to view and action data - depending on the complexity of your task, you may opt for one over the other.

In-product control panel

The in-app Workspace settings and Organization settings control panel, is the most convenient place to view org info and user info, adjust security settings and configure settings.
Use the in-product controls to...
Manage members and see usage analytics for workspace members
See and transfer docs owned by deactivated users
See and manage AI usage

Coda Admin API

For building custom use cases, use the .
As stated above, we recommend accessing the Coda API through the Coda API pack. The pack acts like a UI layer to the Admin API and gives admins realtime information on users, docs, folders, Packs, and activity in their organization.
If you want to connect to the API directly check out the for details on the correct end points (and more)
Use the Admin API to...
Export information on users, docs, packs, folders for detailed analysis.
View all the docs that have Packs in them
Easily view and export audit logs (the Pack is a more user-friendly way to get this info from the Admin API)
See all folders in the org
Change permissions on any doc

Coda Admin Pack Examples

In the rest of this doc, we showcase 3 examples of how to use the Coda Admin Pack —each is a step-up in complexity.
: A simple way to see key workspace data and manipulate it.
: A set of automations to make your admin life easier.
: Build yourself a full-fledged admin app.

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