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Preparing a doc for transfer

You’ve built an awesome doc that has helped you or your team, but now it must now live on without you... Here are our recommendations for a smooth transition to its new owner.
When you are no longer a doc maker (whether it’s because you have left your company or your license has been downgraded to editor), your owned docs become read-only. If you’ve built a doc that your team relies on, we recommend transferring that doc before it becomes read-only in order to avoid any possible disruption.
If you are no longer a Coda user, your public docs (docs in public folders) or docs that were shared with at least one other person will available for admins to transfer to new doc owner. See .
Any docs that were privately owned by you will be deleted.

Video tutorial

Follow these steps to support the new doc owner with a smooth transition:

Transfer checklist

Identify which docs need to be transferred.
Create a back-end section for each doc
Ensure all objects in the doc are properly named.
Find a new doc maker to take ownership of any automations, pack connections and cross-doc connections.
Transfer your doc via the home screen or from within the doc itself.
Share with the new doc owner.

Identify docs

Within your workspace, click on the “Owned by me” tab to view all docs owned by you. Any doc that is actively used by other members of your team will need to be transferred to prevent that doc from becoming read only.
Where to find docs owned by me.gif

Optimize doc organization


If you haven’t already, set up a back-end . The back-end is a section of your doc that houses your “base” tables - tables with (generally) no filtering, sorting, grouping or formatting. You can manipulate these tables in other areas in your doc using views that show users exactly the information they want to see, in the way that makes the most sense.
A back-end will help the new doc owner more easily understand what data is available within the doc, and whether that information is coming from an external source (for example another Coda doc, or a pack), or lives only within the doc itself.


When you are in the flow of building a doc, it’s easy to forget to name tables, buttons, and controls. Before transferring the doc to a new owner, we recommend going through each object and making sure it has a descriptive name. This will not only help the new doc owner understand what is available in the doc, but also any future user who may be troubleshooting the doc or trying to set up a new reference.

Prevent broken automations and syncs


When you build an automation, you have the option to take actions as Automation Bot (default), or take actions as yourself. Any automations that are set to take actions as yourself will break once you are no longer a doc maker. You’ll want to make sure you update these to be “Automation Bot” or have another doc maker in the doc copy the automation and set it to take actions as themselves (they will not be able to update the existing automation).
If your automation is triggering an action to be taken by a pack, you cannot use Automation bot. Instead, the new doc owner will need to set up the pack connection under their account (see ), and then copy the automation and set it to take actions as themselves.


When you leave, any packs that have been connected to the doc via your login credentials will no longer work. This means data won’t sync in or out of the doc.
First, within pack settings, check to see what shared accounts are set up for each pack. If you have the only shared account, you’ll want to get another doc maker - who has the same (or better) access to the tool - add their credentials as a shared account. .
Pack buttons
Any buttons that trigger doc actions will need to be updated to be set as “user’s private account”, or set to a shared account that isn’t yours. When possible, we recommend selecting “user’s private account” - as it means any data pushed to the tool will be logged as the user who pushed the button, rather than whomever owns the shared account. .


Similar to Packs, and cross-doc connections that are set up via your login credentials will no longer work.

Cross-doc settings
First, within cross-doc settings, take note of the access level, then disconnect your account and, if available, have the next doc owner set up their own API connection matching your settings. .
Cross-doc buttons
Any buttons that trigger doc actions will need to be updated to be set as “user’s private account”, or set to a shared account that isn’t yours. When possible, we recommend selecting “user’s private account” - as it means any data pushed to the doc will be logged as the user who pushed the button, rather than whomever owns the shared cross-doc connection. .

Transfer your doc

There are two ways to transfer your doc to a new owner: within workspace home, and within the doc itself. You can only transfer docs to an individual with a Doc Maker license.

Within workspace home

From the workspace home screen, click the three dots to the left of an owned doc, and click “Share settings”. From here, you can update the access of the new doc owner to “owner”. .

Within the doc

Click “Share” in the top right of the doc. From here, you can update the access of the new doc owner to “owner”. .

Want to print your doc?
This is not the way.
Try clicking the ⋯ next to your doc name or using a keyboard shortcut (
) instead.