Recommendations to help you become familiar with the doc and resolve any broken automations and/or connections.
When you become the doc owner of a transferred doc, we recommend reviewing the following sections to become familiar with the doc, and resolve any broken automations and/or connections.
Video tutorial
Doc map
The doc map shows you all the tables, views, and other building blocks currently in your doc. You can use it to quickly jump to specific objects and to understand the connections between tables and views in your doc.
Note which tables are base tables and which views are created from those tables. Base tables power the doc - removing a base table will, in turn, remove all views of that table in the doc.
Review the underlying data of each table view. If there are any graphs, cards or other special views, briefly turn them back into tables so you can understand the underlying data.
On the table menu, click “columns” to reveal hidden columns. They often house buttons and other doc critical functions.
Other Objects —take note of buttons, controls, and any AI blocks.
As you become more familiar with the doc’s schema it’s a good idea to name any unnamed objects
Check out other notable setups like filters, sorting, groups, etc.
Usage — To understand
Scroll down to “Usage” to understand what parts of the doc are using up credits or large amounts of data.
Click “see more stats” for a comprehensive overview of the doc’s usage
When you inherit a doc, it’s important to ensure all automations are running as expected. To view automations, navigate to document settings then automations. Check the trigger, conditions and actions of each.
Click on each rule and review triggers and actions. Do they match your understand of the doc’s purpose and usage?
If the previous owner had automations you cannot edit then duplicate the automation to recreate them. Remember to delete the previous rule when finished.
Actions: If possible, set your automations to “Take actions as Automation Bot.” This ensure that any actions taken by the automation, such as notifying users, comes from the Coda automation bot and not you.
Test the automations by using the “Test rule” button. Click the the “Activity tab” and review any errors
When finished, name your rules and turn them on
See what integrations are running in the doc and verify that data is syncing properly. You will likely have to connect your credentials to the integrations. Consider using a shared account.
Some Packs need an account to sync data from the app or service you’re integrating to Coda — A Pack account. Since the previous owner’s account is no longer available you will have enter a new one.
Cross-doc creates a connection between two docs so data can be transferred between both.
If your doc contains Cross-doc you’ll have to set up your own cross-doc account for any buttons or automations that use cross-doc and/or cross-doc actions
Check doc sharing settings to verify who has access to the doc. This is also a good time to consider where in your workspace this doc ought to live - for example, should it live in a specific team folder?