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Tax Year Changes

Sunil Prabhu K
Last edited 469 days ago by Rajesh Jeganathan

IRS side Tax year changes

Draft forms for new tax year
The IRS usually releases the new draft form during December or January for the new tax year beginning July.
The draft forms can be found in the URL or by searching in the internet using the keywords.
Draft Form 2290 (2023) -
Draft Instructions (2022) -

IRS New Schema and Business Rules
The new schema and Business Rules will be delivered to our e-services account. It can be downloaded from the Inbox.
Schema Sample:

Business Rules Sample:
Get new SWID from IRS
Login to the IRS e-services login and get a new SWID by completing the questionnaire.
Steps to create a new SoftwareId:
2. Click Add Software Package
2. In the pop-up, choose tax year as 2023 and form type 2290.
4. In the "Checklist of Supported Forms and Schedules" choose all options.
image (26).png
The IRS will generate a unique SWID for tax year 2023 for ExpressTruckTax LLC. We must use the SWID to send

ATS Scenarios for testing
Once we complete the Schema and Business Rules changes, we have to send the ATS certification to the IRS for the below given scenarios using the SWID received from the IRS.

Get Certified and List under the IRS Mef providers
The IRS will verify all Submissions and certify us for the new tax year. Later, we have to send an email to List ExpressTruckTax in the Mef providers list.
Once certified, we can process the new tax year 2290 returns using the new SWID

Tax year changes in Application

ExpressTruckTax usually enables pre-filing for the users by May 2nd week. For this, we will have to work on enabling the prefiling in ETT web and Native Apps.
The returns filed during the prefiling period will be stopped in our e-file from further processing.

Tax year changes in Web UI flow
Remove all the references of Pre-Filing from the application
Form 2290 (Multiple Vehicles) - First Used Month Page - Show 2023 as Current Tax Year and Prior Year (2022, 2021 for efile)
Form 2290 (Single Vehicle) - Show 2023 as Current Tax Year and Prior Year (2022, 2021 for efile)
PDF - Map the return values on the new Form 2290 (Tax Year 2023)
Form 2290 (Multiple Vehicles) - Low Mileage Credit Page - Include 2022-23 tax year and remove 2019-20
Form 2290 (Multiple Vehicles) - Sold or Destroyed Vehicles - Include 2023-24 tax year and remove 2020-21
Form 8849 - Sold or Destroyed Vehicles - Include 2023-24 tax year and remove 2020-21
Form 8849 - Low Mileage Vehicles - Include 2022-23 tax year and remove 2019-20
Enable Ready Return for the new tax year
Once the user completes a 2290 for the new tax year, add the user to the ETT Control group - Filed for 2023-24.
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Tax year changes in Native App flow
Remove all the references of Pre-Filing from the application
Form 2290 (Multiple Vehicles) - First Used Month Page - Show 2023 as Current Tax Year and Prior Year (2022, 2021 for efile)
Form 2290 (Single Vehicle) - Show 2023 as Current Tax Year and Prior Year (2022, 2021 for efile)
PDF - Map the return values on the new Form 2290 (Tax Year 2023)
Form 2290 (Multiple Vehicles) - Low Mileage Credit Page - Include 2022-23 tax year and remove 2019-20
Form 2290 (Multiple Vehicles) - Sold or Destroyed Vehicles - Include 2023-24 tax year and remove 2020-21
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Process On-hold returns
Once IRS opens filing for tax year 2023, we will process all the on-hold returns.

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