1. Service Access:
The AWS cloud IAM Access required for S3, EC2, Cloud Trial, Cloud Watch, SNS, R53, WAF(AWS/Cloud Flare) Access Details:
2. Active Directory:
If you have an existing domain’s (AD/LDAP), add SPAN users as SSO for AWS Cloud & its Servers . We have shared Cloud/Application user access details in the coda document. 3. Global Infrastructure:
Regions that we suggest you to use a. Primary servers (us-east-1)
b. Log Shipping /Mirroring(us-west-1)
4. Instance/Server Equivalents:
The below are the equivalent instance types/shapes found in the AWS and OCI cloud. 5. DataBase Servers:
Database servers will be provisioned in the Private subnets. License for the MS SQL servers has been shared in the coda document. 6. Monitoring:
New Relic Cloud Console access for our SPAN users. SPAN NewRelic User Access
7. DNS & Naming conventions:
SSL certificates:
SB/PROD, Kindly provide us the CA signed wildcard certificates. For Sprint/Stage/UAT/DevOps, we would like to use Letsencrypt self signed SSL certificate. 9. Infrastructure Security:
AWS Infrastructure security will be using SG for Instance level or NACL for subnet level. User Access will be provided as IAM Access with respective Console/Programmatic access. If there is an Existing Domains(AD/LDAP), Best-Pass can provide access for all the SPAN users and the Dev/DevOps Users & Servers.
10. Software Requirements:
Visual Studio 2019 - Professional Adobe XD - UI/UX Design Tool