1. New EFIN/ETIN - Software roles (Intermediate Service Provider, Reporting Agent, Online Filing Provider, Large Taxpayer)
Assigned by the IRS for Bestpass to e-file tax returns.
This information will be updated in our e-file system, so all the returns sent to the IRS will have the ETIN/EFIN provided by Bestpass.
2. IdenTrust Certificate (.CRT) - IRS A2A system needs “strong authentication” to send submissions to the IRS. IRS supports IdentTrust X.509 digital security certificate to authenticate the user in lieu of a username/password.
3. Setup ASID in IRS A2A site -
It is an Automated Enrollment (AE) to enroll and maintain the A2A Client Application Systems. AE provides a user interface for enrolling and maintaining A2A Client Application Systems for the IRS A2A Channel.
Step 2:
Click Access A2A Automated Enrollment
Step 3:
Login with your credentials
Step 4:
Organization Roles
Select eFile
Step 5:
Create New A2A client System ID
Step 6:
Add and save the details.
4. Generate SWID in IRS e-service portal
Bestpass has to login to the IRS e-services portal and complete the online survey to generate a Software ID. This Software ID will be used to test the IRS ATS system, and this ID must also be included in all IRS submissions.
Steps to get SoftwareID
Login to the IRS site at
Once you login, click on the “Software Packages” menu and click the “Add Software Package” button. A popup will appear with the questions related to the product. Get two separate SoftwareIDs for each of 2290 and 8849.
After you complete the details and save the pop up, IRS will assign a SoftwareID to you. Later Bestpass has to pass ATS by sending test submissions using this SoftwareID. Once approved, all the returns sent to the IRS should have this SoftwareID. 5. Cybersource Merchant Account - To process the credit cards of the users
How will it be implemented?
Once we get the new merchant account from Bestpass, we will replace the existing Span Enterprise ID’s with Bestpass. All the transactions will happen using the Bestpass account. The existing credit cards that are stored in the existing Span Enterprise merchant ID will be deleted. The Refunds and Voids for the old transactions that were made using a Span Enterprise merchant ID will still happen in the same account. 6. Stripe Merchant Account - Used as a standby option to process credit cards in case Cyber source payment processing fails.
How will it be implemented?
a. Once we get the new merchant account from Bestpass, we will replace the existing Span Enterprise ID’s with Bestpass.
b. All the transactions will happen using the Bestpass account.
7. Wells Fargo Zero Balance Account
When a user transmits Form 2290 with the “Credit Card through ETT” option, the XML sent to the IRS will have this information (Bank Account Number and Routing Number). The IRS will draft the tax due amount from this account within 2-4 business days from the day the return is Accepted. 8. New SSL Certificates for all the sites.
All ExpressTruckTax sites (including Home Site, Application Site, Affiliates, and Partner Sites) have the SSL certificate of Span Enterprises. This needs to be updated with the Bestpass SSL certificates.
9. Bestpass Contact Address (To be shown on Receipts and Invoices)
The phone and email support contacts will remain the same. The address that we display on Invoices, receipts and the home Site will be changed with to the Bestpass address.
10. Google playstore and Apple Store accounts
Currently, the Android and iOS native apps are hosed in Span Enterprises account. Bestpass needs to create a developer account in both Android, iOS. The native apps will be shared to the users via this account.
11. New ExpressTruckTax Logo.
Once Bestpass gets the new Logo, the latest logo will be updated on all the sites, receipts, invoices, etc.
12. Home site - Content for “About Us” page.
The content that will be replaced in this page 13. Terms of use and Privacy policy content.
Terms of use and privacy policy content that need to be update in this page
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