ExpressTruckTax Application Component
All Components of ETT:
ExpressTruckTax Secure main application.
Code Arch:
Solution Project view
Core Project - Localization
We use localization for different languages for user preference. Ex: We use English and Spanish language in our application. All UI text is coming from these resource files to User viewing pages.
Core Project - Service
Service layer is used as Business layer. It will have all business logic and rules for ExpressTruckTax. All Taxyear based logics is in this service layer.
Core Project - Resource
Resource Layer performs operations like insert, update and delete to connect with the database. Here we use Entity Framework and dapper as ORMs to connect to DBs.
Add Reference in application
Add core library projects like Localization, Service and Resource reference to application. This is only for first time when creating a project. These core projects are mandatory reference libraries for ETT Secure application. Without these, we cannot move build for ETT secure.
How build is updated for first time in IIS:
Step 1: Add New Web site
Step 2: Name the web site and Mapping the physical path
Step 3: Complete adding the new site
Site will be shown like this, after we change the port using Binding.
Step 4: Configure site with HTTP
Step 6: Add another Binding for HTTPS
Binding HTTPS using SSL certificate and create
How JENKINS build works
Build Procedures :
Step 1 : - In the Dashboard of jenkins site, select ETT
Step 2 :- Then select ETT-(server name) for which you have to push builds.
For example the sprint server looks like this (ETT- Sprint)
Step 3 :- If sites/ APIs has to published select ETT- ApiWeb and if any window service has to be published select ETT-WinWork
Step 4 :- Then select Build with parameters in the left menu
Step 5 :- Fill the parameter details
i) Select the environment for which build has to be updated.
ii) Enter the GIT Url of the project here in the Trigger_Repo
iii) Fill the branch details in Trigger_Branch (branch of code from which build has to be updated)
iv) Enter the name of the solution
v) Select the project name from the drop down. (Since its for Bestpass by default ExpressTruckTax only will be there in the list)
vi) Select the program type , since ETT and all application are developed in .netFramework , we have to select .netFrameWork
vii) Then select the mode as release , which is mandatory for pushing builds.
viii) Select the application type
For Example :- EE-Website means ExpressTruckTax Application and its corresponding sites /APIs present in ExpressTruckTax solution.
ix) Select the application (the site) for which the build has to be updated
x) If the nuget packages are to be restored , Select Yes else No
xi) If you need the site to be stop before pushing the builds select Yes else select No
(It's better to stop the pool site before pushing the builds)
Note :- All the fields are mandatory , everything should be entered correctly.
Step 6 : - Once all the details have been filled click Build .
If the builds gets succeeded it looks like this
To see the console output click the build number(here it is #100), which will take you to the console output. In case of error in builds, the details can be read here.