Native Apps

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Publish Android App

Rajesh Jeganathan
Last edited 700 days ago by Rajesh Jeganathan

I) Build and sign a release version of our app:

We can use the Gradle build files with the release build type(Build Variant) to build and sign a release version of our app.
Notes: If we change the Build Variant, once we should Clean Project and Rebuild Project.
The versionCode value indicates that the current AAB or APK contains the second release of the app, and the versionName string specifies that it will appear to users.

II) Prepare remote servers and services that our app depends on:

Our app depends on external servers or services like API integration, making sure they are secure and production ready as well as increasing an API VERSION.

III) Configure our app for release:

We need to make sure that logging is disabled and removed and that our release variant has debuggable false and LOG false for Groovy script set.

IV) Test the release version of our app:

Before we distribute our app, we should thoroughly test the release version on at least one target handset device and one target tablet device.

V) Inspect APKs using bundle explorer:

If we upload our app as an Android App Bundle(aab), the Play Console automatically generates split APKs and multi-APKs for all device configurations our app supports.
In the Play Console, we can use the app bundle explorer to see all APK artifacts that Google Play generates, inspect data such as supported devices and APK size savings, and download generated APKs to deploy and test locally.
The following steps are to take Android App Bundle(aab) file from Android Studio:
We need to create a [.keystore/.jks] file as a one-time creation.
Step 1: Build -> Generate Signed Bundle/APK

Step 2: Select Android App Bundle

Step 3: We need to give the file name of the Keystore as well as Key store password.
And should give the Key alias and Key password to be identified with the app.

Step 4: Select the Build Variant as release, it’s the package of Android App Bundle(aab) file holder. Then we can get a live build.
Notes: We see the dialog on bottom of the Android Studio.

Step 5: We do not need to create a KeyStore file for the second release. Then we can simply take release(aab) from Android Studio as reference below.

VI) Upload our app to the Play Console:

After we sign the release version of our app, the next step is to upload it to Google Play to inspect, test, and publish our app.

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