The steps are as follows:
Step 1 : Open the Developer Command Prompt (Run as Admin)
Step 2 : Unzip the Original Zip Folder(IRS provided)
Eg: E:\2290_TY2023v1.0\efile2290_2023v1.0\2023v1.0\ETEC\2290
Step 3 : Execute the command Like as=> xsd /c xsdPath
xsd /c Return2290.xsd
You have to get the converted class file to the respective folder, like,
Step 4 : Open VS to the below IRS Schema located file, then include it with the next tax Year/Schema or schema version.
Step 5 : Add the Converted file here as,
Step 6 : Add the Existing namespace in the new Class file
Step 7: We need to convert an array object into a list (LIST<>) using the existing process in the new class file. IRS Schema Added is done. (ExpressExcise BO File).
Step 8: Create Business Validation and Convert IRS Schema & XML validation Folder for New Tax Year (2023) Changes To do same changes for Existing previous years