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ETT TSNA Modules/Pages

Sunil Prabhu K
Last edited 491 days ago by Sunil Prabhu K

TSNA Guide 2
Sub Modules/Sub Pages
KT Status
KT Remarks or Action Points
The dashboard includes a list of follow-ups, due dates, upcoming birthdays, and new customer status.
This module provides a time-saving filter option as well as a list of the returns' current state.
2290 Partners
The partner's orders are listed in this module.
Address book
Add customer
Business type, Business name, EIN and address, signing authority info
Search customer
You can able to search the customer by the Name, business name, EIN and phone no.
Search by customer and check the paid/unpaid invoices and make the payment
All Invoices
You can able to view open invoices, paid invoices and all invoices.
Add Customer info
Business type, Business name, EIN and address, signing authority info
Copy Return
When filing for the current tax year after the business has accepted a return for the prior tax year, a copy return pop-up will appear, allowing the user to select which returns should be copied. Only taxable and suspended vehicles will be copied.
Form 2290
E-File for a single taxable or suspended vehicle or Multiple vehicle (When a vehicle does not cross the average miles i.e, 5,000 miles within the 12 months filing period, they fall under the category of Suspended vehicle)
Form 8849 schedule 6
Claim credits for Stolen/Destroyed/Sold/Overpayment Vehicles
Taxable Gross Weight Increase, Mileage Limit Exceeded & VIN Correction
About 2290
Key points
i) The Form 2290 tax year begins on July 1st and ends on June 30th ii)VIN: Vehicle Identification Number (Max length 17) iii)Suspended vehicles( Owners of suspended vehicles do not have to pay Heavy Vehicles Use Taxes (HVUT) for them. However, they must still file Form 2290 returns.) iv) Logged vehicles(Your vehicle qualifies as a logging vehicle if you exclusively haul products harvested from the forested site. This may include timber that has been processed for commercial use by sawing into lumber, chipping, or other milling operations if the processing occurs before transportation from the forested site.Logging vehicles are taxed at a slightly reduced rate.) v) Agricultural vehicles(Agricultural vehicles are considered to be suspended vehicles if used on the public highway for less than 7500 miles) vi) If you purchase this vehicle on month of August, then your First used month should be september
Form Entry
First Used Month (FUM) and taxyear
Type of vehicle if applicable
Details about any suspended vehicles reportedd last year
Tax payment option
Validate the return data
Generate Invoice
Invoice - Save as Draft/Finalize/Finalize & Send for payment
Invoice will generate against the vehicle count and user can make payment by the 2 methods(Finalize/Finalize and Send for payment)
Finalize Receive payment- It has 4 option(Check, Cash, Credit Card and Charged manually)
Finalize & Send for Payment(Payment link will be send to business or mentioned email address)
Form 8453Ex
Excise Tax Declaration for an IRS E-file Return
Form 8453Ex should be signed/e-signed by the Tax payer and Preparer by sending email to the Tax payer or by uploading the copy of Form 8453Ex
Review and Transmit
Return transmit to the E-file
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