API - Oauth
Oauth (Token generation)
To create a user token and access the ExpressTrucktax, use this endpoint.
To construct a return using the create JSON command, use the create endpoint.
A return containing a submission id and record id (which are obtained from the create endpoint response) is transmitted using the transmit endpoint.
The return data from a previously generated or transmitted using the get endpoint.
When a return has already been constructed, the Update endpoint is used to update it with the submission id.
The data's submission id, record id, return type, EIN, and tax year are used in the status endpoint to verify the status of the return.
The created return can be deleted using the Delete end point, however it cannot be deleted once the return has been transmitted.
This endpoint is used to validate the created return.
This endpoint is used to obtain the Form 2290/229A/8849 PDF once the return has been transmitted, and it will also provide the Schedule 1 or Schedule 6 PDF links when the return has been accepted by IRS.
This endpoint allows us to retrieve a list of all returns that were created, transmitted, and accepted using the specified business id.