Transfer Android app to a different developer account
To transfer an app to a different Google Play developer account, we have to submit a transfer request to Google. To make the request, we need the following information. Refer the steps here .
From Bestpass side, we need the following details,
New developer account - 19 Digit ID from the Developer Account ID New account transaction ID - Account owner's can know about Reason for transfer - Refer from Figure: 1.2 Business relationship - Refer from Figure: 1.3
Screenshot of Transfer Request page in Google is given below
The steps to get the above information from Bestpass account are given below.
1. New developer account
After login, navigate to Account details → Your developer account
Send the 19 digits Developer Account ID to us.
2. New account transaction ID
After login, navigate to → Transaction ID Otherwise, we can get it from Google as Developer Registration Fee → Transaction ID or Order number
Send the transaction ID to us.
My screen looks a bit different, but here’s the TransactionID I found: PDS.0089-8411-4535-15744
3. Reason for transfer
We should select the Reason for transfer from the options are below,
Let us know the best option to select from this dropdown.
It seems to me that “Selling apps owned by this account” is the most appropriate.
4. Business relationship
We should select the Business relationship from the options are below,
Let us know the best option to select from this dropdown.
“None of the above” seems most appropriate for our scenario