Council Tax Arrears
A household in current council tax arrears
Universal Credit Claim
A household with a current Universal Credit Claim.
Scottish Child Payment
A household that is in receipt of Scottish Child Payment benefits.
Crisis Grant application
A household that has made an application for a crisis grant through the Scottish Welfare Fund on behalf of their family in the last 12 months.
Council Tax Reduction
A household that is in receipt of Council Tax Reduction.
A household that contains one or two adult parent(s) or caregiver(s) and one or more children below the age of 16 years.
Family with a child under one year
A family with one or more children below the age of one year.
Single parent family
A family with one adult parent or caregiver and one or more children under the age of 16 years but not a spouse or adult partner who shares parenting responsibility.
Where parenting responsibility is defined in Family with three or more children
A family with three or more children below the age of 16 years.
Rural or remote household
A household whose home is in a “Remote Small Towns” or “Remote rural” defined in the . Island household
A household whose home is on an island.