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Build a Cohort of Potentially Vulnerable People or Households

The Lead Organisation will need a data store to contain Risk Factors, and to apply the rules of the Risk Model. The result should be a list of people or households as a Cohort containing …
one record per person or household
biographic data to identify people and property such as
name, address, gender, date of birth, identifiers
risk factors

… and generated information for
case reference
Risk Category
See in the SAVVI Technology Guide



Generate the Cohort

Configure the platform with the rules from the Risk Model.
import Risk Factor data
apply data matching
generate Risk Categories


Marking Entries that are Already Being Managed

In some cases, the Lead Organisation may be aware that another organisation is already leading to support a person. For example, throughout the COVID19 pandemic, the NHS Shielding List listed people who were clinically at risk, and they led the contact strategy to find out their needs due to isolation during the lock-down.
Marking these cases on the Risk Index will avoid people being contacted unnecessarily, whilst still being able to report on how they are being supported.

Destroy Unused Data

Records without a Risk Category do not fit the Risk Model. The associated data and Risk Factors should be deleted.
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