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Assessing a Case

The Responsible Organisation will make contact with the Person or Household to listen to their story and take them through a set of questions to
capture a Situation Assessment
pick out particular Needs that can be addressed.
offer targeted Support
This could use a ‘strength based approach’ rather than simply asking which services a person would like. That approach enables the Responsible Organisation to understand a person’s own strengths and capabilities, and what support might be available from their wider support network such as family.



Design the Assessment

The Lead Organisation designs the information that should be collected as a result of an Assessment.
The design is for each Vulnerability. If more than one Vulnerability has been identified for a Case, some questions might not need to be repeated.

The assessment could be conducted
in person or by telephone via a script
as a document via a form
online self-service

The process should capture
a textual situation assessment
a list of relevant pre-defined Needs

The process could
make support offers

The process should include
making the person aware of the privacy notice
asking for consent to share information with partners if necessary


Contact the Person or Household

The Responsible Organisation works though the prioritised list of assigned Cases, and chooses the most appropriate contact method.
The contact strategy might include
home visit
phone call
letter inviting the person to make contact
Contacts should be recorded as a Contact Event in the Case Index so that a dashboard can keep track of contacts.
A Contact should ascertain if the Person would like to be assessed for support.


A Person Making Contact Themselves

A person may not wait to be contacted, and may make contact themselves.
They may contact any partner to the vulnerability initiative. The organisation receiving the contact becomes the Responsible Organisation.
If a person is already in a Cohort, then there will be a Case which can be used to record the Contact Event. Otherwise, a new Case will be created by the Responsible Organisation.


Reassign the Responsible Organisation

As contact is made, it may become apparent that another organisation is more appropriate to take responsibility for assessing the case, and assuring that appropriate assistance is offered, in which case the Responsible Organisation can be re-assigned.


Conduct an Assessment

The Responsible Organisation carries out an assessment.
The Case Index should be updated with
a Contact Event
a Situation Assessment
Needs assessment
from a predefined list of Needs


No Needs?

Having assessed a Case, no unmet Needs may have been found. For example, a person may say that they are being well supported by friends and family, so no support needs arise.
At this stage, the Responsible Organisation may decide to
close the Case, with a suitable Outcome
plan to make contact again in the future


Offer Support

It is likely that, as a part of a dialogue with a potentially vulnerable person, the conversation moves on to suggesting support offers.

This is set out in the phase.

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