School Website Brief

In 2022, the School of System Change is creating more space and independence from Forum for the Future. In this brief we are outlining an update the branding and to create a new School website.


The School of System Change aims to inspire change agents and provide them with the capabilities to lead system change initiatives. We produce and deliver a wide array of learning experiences, tools and case studies for practitioners across NGOs, social enterprises, businesses, governments and more - to navigate and address complex challenges; and collaborate with systems change practitioners in the field and amplify their work in the global field of systems change practice.
Specifically, the School has three different areas of offer: we deliver courses, curate resources and contribute to building the field of systems change.

Our goals are:

To create an inspiring, intuitive and engaging School website that showcases our offerings, creates value for the field and centres our contributors and partnerships.
Drive better recruitment for our programmes, through:
clarity of offerings
inspiring visuals and stories
easy and coherent expression of interest and application process
with a focus on the searching, exploring and application of courses: seeing offerings, choosing, applying

A strategy to co-brand courses with network partners
uplifting and showcasing our network model and partners

Better present our core value proposition, through:
centering our contributors and partnerships - the breadth of who you get to meet through the School
more on our field-building activities

Better value for our alumni and the field:
showcase a resource database
showcase our projects like Stories of Change

Recognise philanthropic audiences to enable funding
demonstrating impact

Practical needs:
Easy to navigate interface
Easy to use brand - comms and visual assets
Intuitive back end of the website, manageable by multiple people
Interoperable with other platforms (embedding things like Miro, Vimeo/Youtube, Airtable, Circle)

Who are we trying to reach?

Our target audience are early and practicing change-makers from organisations, sectors or issues that are trying to create lasting change:
A wide diversity of worldviews, contexts, lived experiences, and perspectives
A range of sectors - business, nonprofit, public sector, government, and any other enablers of change
Expertise in a range of sustainability-related issues
Leaders within organisations that have an ability to put learnings straight into practice e.g. overseeing an organisation, programmatic strategy, etc


Here outlines the requirements


Updated branding and copy for our website and social channels:
Comms: Website, social media, strategy
Visual: identity, typography, colour palette, assets


Structure/UX - draft needs as follows
Home Page
(with application/sign up process) (need to be able to pull contributors eg these 5 people are talking on this course )
Resources (linked to with categories or search)
Blog (possibly pulled from )
section, with links to resources (pulled from Airtable)
Projects (this are field building activities, )
Community section (?) possibly just a curation of resources, events, blog etc
Events / learning opportunities
Other things to include: testimonials

UI Design + Development, Documentation

Comms update

We need to update the comms strategy with updated key messages and communication branding.

Current dates:

Proposal due Wednesday 12th January 2022
more dates explored in the proposal on the next page

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