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Personal SWOT Analysis

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Personal SWOT Analysis

Let's get a baseline of your strengths and weaknesses.
💡 There are 2 purposes to this exercise:
Determine what knowledge, skills, and interests you already possess.
Identify areas and skills that you want or need to learn.

In Launch OS, you’ll hear us talk about running uphill and running downhill.
When you launch a business that doesn’t play into your current strengths, skills, and interests, it’s much tougher to grow and scale that business. We call this running uphill.
When you launch a business that plays into your current strengths, skills, and interests, it’s much easier to grow and scale that business. We call this running downhill.

The purpose of this exercise is to help you identify business models and ideas in Launch OS that will allow you to run downhill — making growth and scale much easier.


Step One:

Step Two:

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