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The appraisal cycle

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Feedback chats

Why have these chats? 🤔

Feedback is pretty central to how we work at RORA - and that’s why we follow a 360 feedback system! 🔁
At RORA, this means;
Collecting feedback from your peers across roles
Giving and receiving feedback year-round
Taking responsibility for obtaining your feedback and working on it
While we do expect everyone to record quarterly feedback on Leapsome, the best way to learn more about your performance is by having regular chats with your peers
Here’s why;
You learn exactly what you need to be doing to get better, continuously throughout the year - and not just before an appraisal cycle
You gain a deeper understanding about your feedback in a two-way conversation - just talk about it!
You get an insight into what your peers expect from you - why guess?

What do we chat about? 💌

The main purpose of these chats is to help you understand what you’re doing well and what you could improve on, and sharing the same with your colleagues
But if you’d like some structure, here’s what you can ask each other
What have I been great at doing / what should I continue doing
What areas of improvement should I now focus on
What is expected of me in the coming quarter
What is the one thing that can push my rating from an ‘exceeds expectations’ to a ‘superb’

Bonus tips 💭

Be specific and use examples 👆

Be as specific as you can about all aspects of your feedback-
Add detail and past examples to explain your feedback point, and what you expect from them
Share actionable and practical suggestions for them to work on, instead of vague advice
“I guess your communication skills could use work, maybe? Just work on that and update me more going forward!

“I’m not always sure how much progress you’ve made on Partner X’s BAU - maybe use the partner Slack channel more!

Use the feedback sandwich 🥪

Instead of continuously delivering negative feedback by clustering it together, use the feedback sandwich approach to soften the impact of criticism and encourage more receptiveness. Here’s what it looks like;
🍞 Bread [positive feedback] → 🥗 Filling [constructive feedback] → 🍞 Bread [positive reinforcement]
“Your communication skills could use work. Also, you need to be more attentive to detail. Oh, and make sure you always meet our deadlines. And did I mention you should now start thinking of improving our payroll process? Also, please remember to update us about your planned leaves. And definitely work on your project management skills. Also, please remember to update... ”

🍞 You’ve been doing a great job of keeping the internal team udpated on your projects!
🥗 You can now start working on communicating with partners, they can sometimes feel out of the loop on out progress - do share weekly updates!
🍞 On a positive note, your project management skills are getting better!

Be authentic ⭐

Be honest and authentic about feedback you share; this means avoid sugar-coating as that won’t help your peers address areas of improvement and progress, and can also hurt your partners in the long run (still be nice about it though!)
You’ve been doing so good this quarter. It’s been fantastic working with you. Great stuff all around. Nothing to more to add. Nothing at all, I promise. You’ve been phenomenal throughout, and I can’t think of anything you can improve. You’re the best!!!

You’ve done a great job so far on your project management skills! I did, however, notice some tasks being missed out - not great if we miss critical deadlines. I suggest researching some task management tools to work on this. It could really make a difference!

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