You should be very selective in who you try to acquire and when/how, but at least enumerate all the various types of people / teams / products who might use your product and why (informed by their bad alternatives) before narrowing down.
Who: Types of customers who'd buy what you're selling
There are no rows in this table
Get specific!
How exactly would you acquire each of these people, and even beyond that... how would you onboard them?
How do you maximize their value and minimize the time-to-first-wow with exceptional onboarding?
Which growth loops could you use on them to grow your company or reinforce the value you’re providing?
The examples below are basic, but the more specific you can get the faster you’ll be at acquiring new users. Treat these as A/B tests and iterate quickly, going from one growth loop to the next to see which ones work and which don’t! Even the most successful startups had numerous false starts.