, follows the adventures of a boy named Hiro and his personal healthcare companion: a giant marshmallow-looking robot named Baymax. Baymax was invented by Hiro’s late brother Tadashi, at the San Fransokyo Institute of Technology, and was programmed to take care of his health needs.
Something about this film still resonates deeply with people everywhere. The first time I watched the movie, I personally wished I had my own Baymax to accompany me through life. A friend of mine even named her dog Baymax. This fictional robot was so well-received since he was introduced 8 years ago, that Disney is actually releasing a new TV series called
As an homage to our inflatable friend, and the team that created him, I wanted to create a make-believe doc that would allow anyone to experience what it might be like to have their own personal healthcare companion, wellness champion or robotic nurse. Here’s why.
The disintegration of health
Over the last decade, we’ve seen an unprecedented rise in chronic illness,
youth aged 6-17, or roughly 7.7 million youth in the U.S., will experience a mental health disorder. And of these, just 1 in 2 will end up receiving treatment.
At the same time that demands on our energy continue to exceed our capacity, health care costs continue to be a barrier for many, especially considering COVID’s economic impact on households everywhere.
So how do we overcome all this?
One way to equip ourselves for life’s never-ending stream of stressors is to learn the skill of self-regulation: the ability to observe your own physical, mental or emotional state, and skillfully restore balance. It’s an inside-out approach to health, that may not cure disease, but can help to prevent or delay its onset, and act as a keystone skill that unlocks your health potential.
And a robot that cares for you
This doc, inspired by Baymax’s role in Big Hero 6, was created to help anyone develop the skill of self-regulation in an effort to prevent ill-health and cultivate holistic wellbeing.
In short, Baymax will encourage you to log sentiments about your wellbeing regularly. Then he’ll scan your sentiment data and guide you to integrate wellness strategies and social support into your everyday lifestyle that correspond to your needs.
This doc can help you self-regulate:
Energy & Mood
School/Work-Life balance
Holistic Wellbeing
...all while saving you:
Money (It’s free!)
The theory behind this doc’s operating system is depicted by a flywheel, where one cycles through self-awareness, tools and behavior change. This flywheel corresponds to the doc’s design:
). The behavior change that ensues helps you develop the skill of Self-Regulation. And so spins the flywheel!
Ultimately, this doc is here to help you turn healthy living, which can sometimes feel like a complicated chore, into a simple task that feels like play. I hope you have fun here, and may you be satisfied with his care!
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Health Disclaimer
The information and other content provided in this blog, or in any linked materials, are not intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical expertise or treatment. If you or any other person has a medical concern, you should consult with your health care provider or seek other professional medical treatment.