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In(her) Rhythm: Women's Cycle Syncing & Daily Rituals

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About this Doc!

Unlocking the power of connection to your natural rhythms, cycles & seasons.
Once women have lost her* and then found her again, they will contend to keep her for good. Once they have regained her, they will fight and fight hard to keep her, for with her their creative lives blossom; their relationships gain meaning and depth and health; their cycles of sexuality, creativity, work, and play are reestablished; they are no longer marks for the predation of others; they are entitled equally under the laws of nature to grow and to thrive...Without her, women are without ears to hear her soultalk or to register the chiming of their own inner rhythms. - Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype, Clarissa Pinkola Estés, PhD.
*her refers to the wild woman, the intuitive nature within us all
Hello! Regardless of how/why you stumbled upon this, I’m super glad you’re here 👋

Why I Created This

This started purely for my own personal use, but I’ve found it so valuable that I figured it might also help others! The idea is to make this your own and relevant/approachable for your daily life so that you, well... actually use it! Organizations and teams are constantly assessing their goals, values, overall health and creating “rituals” to ensure they stay on track - why shouldn’t we do the same for our personal lives & wellbeing?!
I find that being in touch with my inner rhythms and fluctuations has been one of the more empowering practices in my life thus far. As living beings, we are so interconnected with the changes in nature and cannot ignore/avoid them (think about how your mood and energy changes as seasons shift). Well, there are also “seasonal” changes occurring within us and affecting how we feel, move, and show up in the world. I’ve found that 1) cultivating awareness around how this impacts us and 2) harnessing its power to honor our fullest potential can have a profound impact on our lives.


My initial foray into this world of women’s health and cycle syncing was reading “” by Alisa Vitti. My mind was kind of blown and I thought, all women need to know this stuff! I later read her second book, “ which offers a practical guide for implementing this knowledge and practice into your everyday life. But without the book in front of me at all times, it can be a lot to try to remember, let alone implement.
This past year, beyond delving more into these topics, I found immense value in daily “rituals” like meditation, journaling, and creating vision boards to become more aware of my patterns, desires, and inner nature. In turn, I started to feel more in control of my thoughts & actions, in touch with my intuition & creativity, and more aware of what all of this is attracting in my life. I also read “” by James Clear which reinforces this idea that the more easy and attractive you can make your habits, the more likely you are to keep up with them. Before you know it, through these “small” repetitive actions/thoughts, you are actually changing YOU...your mind, your beliefs, your reality...and in turn what life reflects back at you. I then thought, why don’t I create one place where I can come at any point in my day to check-in, document and reflect, alas here we are!

Ideas for Making this your Own:

Vision Board: On my personal one, I have a page called “Vision Board” where I embed my vision board on Pinterest (I started adding to this as a daily ritual). I find it inspiring to look back at when I need a little boost or reminder of what matters most to me! To do this, paste the link into a new page on the doc, and it will give you the “Embed” option so your board stays updated in real-time!
Daily Checklist: I have a column in my “Daily” tracker called “Daily checklist” where I list a few things that I try to do everyday (i.e morning meditation, drink lemon water, etc.). The idea is to keep yourself accountable for just a few things you aim to do each day. If there are habits you’re focused on trying to kick (i.e nail biting, smoking, etc) you can also create a tracker for this and give yourself kudos each day you don’t do something!
Daily Journal/Brain Dump: People have different journaling preferences (ie pen/paper, or perhaps another app or notes page...I personally have been using an app called DayOne), but if you’d like to keep that in one place, I recommend adding a canvas column to the Daily Tracker.
Other Pages for notes, etc: This doc lives in my “Personal Hub” where I have pages for notes from various learnings/conversations I want to retain/refer back to (i.e courses I’m taking, book recommendations, mentorship conversations). The idea is to have a one-stop shop to capture information pertinent to your life and personal growth. A couple other ideas/practices that have helped me tap into my intuition/creativity (for pages in this or even a journal/note pad): Dream Journal, Random Ideas/Hits of Inspiration, Future Vision.

Quick User Guide

is going to be your go-to page. There is a “Daily” table to track your cycle, your moods, activities, and also reflect on any notable Wins & Learnings. There is a filter set so that this table only shows the current week. The “Weekly” table is where you can plan for the week ahead and reflect at the end of the week. Lastly, “Monthly” is where you can keep future goals/intentions/events etc. on your radar. You can always look back on prior weeks/months on the page.
is a table that houses key information for each stage in your cycle. What I love about this setup is that you can easily tailor your eating/exercise to what is recommended for each phase, and see how your mood, motivation, etc. is driven by your hormones. This is not comprehensive, so feel free to do your own research and add to it!
- Lastly, would love your feedback/ideas to continue improving/iterating on this (and to know if it others are actually finding it useful)! After using this for a bit (at least a couple weeks), head to the feedback page here or visit the form - results will route directly to moi 😄

Bonus Benefits

...Beyond feeling more aligned and reducing PMS symptoms 😀
PEACE OF MIND...blame it on the hormones 🤣
Plan for week/month ahead and keep yourself accountable. Reduce the thinking/planning & small decisions from your everyday life, leaving more capacity for feeling and flowing
Align your daily actions to your values and higher intentions *this is HUGE
Have a powerful reference tool to look back on your thoughts, feelings, progress, etc.
Begin to notice recurring themes/patterns to help crystalize your path/direction
Recognize what gives you energy, then do more of that. What drains your energy, then do less of that
Unlock creativity, love, desire, deeper truths (NBD...)

Closing Thoughts

The whole goal of this is to be in tune with yourself and work with your constant changing nature. The beauty of life really shines when you can cultivate a flow state. So if this ever feels like a burden or like it’s not serving you, think about what would make it more you and more fun. This should be ever-evolving, just as we are!
Life is always going to be “crazy”, unpredictable, busy, etc etc give yourself plenty of grace with this process, but also, don’t use these as excuses for not prioritizing your me, that will only make matters worse 😉 Lastly, this is even more impactful when we can share and support each other in community - so never hold back connecting and being vulnerable with your gal pals!


How to Get Started:

Super Simple! Click “Copy Doc” on the top right and Voila, you are ready to make it your own!
*I recommend using this primarily from your desktop to get the full functionality/user-experience. Bookmark the tab or whatever you need to do to make it visibile/easy to access!
Tip before you get started: I highly recommend first doing some journaling (and/or vision-boarding) about what you value most, the type of life you want to live, person you want to be, and so on. Everything will trickle down from that 😊 See for guidance!

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