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Unfortunately there is no definitive listing of the top 20 countries globally for total number of patients with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD) on dialysis or needing transplantation.
However, based on reviewing various data sources and estimates from groups like the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME) and International Society of Nephrology (ISN), below is my best approximation:
1. United States - Over 500,000 ESKD dialysis patients 2. China - Over 500,000 (but estimates vary widely) 3. Japan - Over 320,000 4. India - Over 200,000 (but likely underestimated) 5. Brazil - Over 150,000 6. Russia - Around 120,000 7. Mexico - Over 120,000 8. Germany - Around 80,000 9. Bangladesh - Over 75,000 (estimate) 10. Italy - Around 75,000 11. Turkey - Over 60,000 12. France - Around 55,000 13. United Kingdom - Over 55,000 14. Indonesia - Around 50,000 15. Pakistan - Over 45,000 16. Spain - Over 45,000 17. Poland - Around 35,000 18. Canada - Around 35,000 19. Malaysia - Over 30,000 20. Iran - Nearly 30,000
The data is still limited for many countries, but I tried to compile the best estimates from major reports. Please let me know if you need any clarification or additional context!
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