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PMA's Positioning Template

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PMA's Positioning template

A template for establishing your product's positioning for your various target personas.
Your positioning work is an expression of how your product or feature uniquely fills a customer need in a way your competitors' don’t. Your messaging and positioning work should complement each other and both have two core similarities:
They rely heavily on your persona research, and
They cannot be rushed.

Review date

Your positioning work is by no means a one-off job. Markets change. Your product might even change. Make a note of when you last revisited this document so you can keep on top of reviewals.

Product description

Keep this concise and include things like the name, key features, and problems you’re solving. Aim to keep it within 1-2 sentences. You can use this to give your product descriptions a consistent feel.

Category overview

Outline the market you compete in and highlight any differentiators - i.e. unlike market X, our market is inherently anxious and cash-strapped.

The competition

If customers aren’t buying off you, who are they going to? List the top contenders here along with there weaknesses in comparison to you.
Below is table of contents with your product’s positioning for 3 personas. Feel free to edit the page titles to match your personas and/or duplicate the pages to add more personas.
Persona Overview
Describe persona #1 here
Describe persona #2 here
Describe persona #3 here
There are no rows in this table
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