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Understanding the User

Name: Aarav

Age: 27
Occupation: Software Developer


Aarav is a busy professional who has recently become more aware of health risks and understands the importance of fitness. He finds it challenging to take care of this due to his long hours at work. He lives in a small apartment in a bustling city and enjoys trying new foods from local restaurants. He is single and enjoys spending his free time socializing with friends and watching movies.


Aarav wants to take care of his personal health & fitness despite his demanding job.
Aarav wants to improve his overall health and fitness levels, lose weight, and reduce stress. He is interested in tracking his progress and receiving personalized insights that can help him achieve his goals.
He is also concerned about the long-term health risks associated with his sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits.
He also wants to be able to reach out to doctors in case of a need. He is worried about paying for medical expenses and the hassle with insurance claims. He is looking for a simple and convenient solution to reach this goal.

Personality/Behaviour and Current Status:

Aarav is a tech-savvy individual who enjoys using apps and wearables to track his health and fitness.
He is willing to invest in products and services that offer convenience and personalized experiences.
He is generally a friendly and outgoing person, but often feels stressed and anxious due to his busy work schedule and lack of work-life balance.
He tends to prioritize work over his personal life and often skips meals or opts for unhealthy fast food due to time constraints.
He has tried various diets and exercise routines in the past but has struggled to stick to them due to lack of motivation and accountability.
He finds taking preventive health check-ups to be a hassle and hence neglects it but is increasingly becoming aware of the benefits of taking a preventive step and hence willing to act.
He is also somewhat lazy and is not willing to put in a lot of effort to learn a new app. He needs an app that is easy to use and requires minimal effort on his part.
Aarav values his time and is looking for a quick and simple solution to help him reach him health goal. He is willing to pay a reasonable price for an app that can deliver results.
He is not interested in spending a lot of time or money on an app that is not going to work for him.

Pain Points:

There is too much information overload on the health tracking apps, showing too much detailed data, but don’t give their interpretation or insights.
Most of the data (calorie intake) user have to enter manually, which becomes boring and lead to drop-off.
There is no such a health monitoring app which considers all aspects of health.
Limited coverage under health insurance policies, with many policies having exclusions or high deductibles for certain treatments or conditions.
Lack of transparency in pricing and billing for medical procedures, leading to unexpected expenses and financial stress.
Difficulty in finding reliable and qualified healthcare professionals, particularly in remote or under-served areas.
Limited access to mental health services and resources, despite a growing need for support for mental health and wellness.
Inaccurate or incomplete data tracking, leading to gaps in understanding and missed opportunities for intervention and prevention.
Lack of personalized insights and support, with many health monitoring solutions offering generic advice and recommendations that may not be relevant to Aarav's unique needs and goals.


He is always looking for a better, more comprehensive, and user-friendly app that provides him with a more personalized and data-driven approach to fitness. He needs a convenient and hassle-free approach to fitness.

Key Benefits:

Wearable ring that monitors health biomarkers 24x7, providing Aarav with real-time data on his health and fitness levels
Calorie tracker and personalized insights in a simple format, making it easy for Aarav to track his progress and stay motivated
Personal care team that keeps in touch with Aarav, providing him with guidance and support on his health and fitness journey
Free preventive health check-ups, giving Aarav the opportunity to catch any potential health issues early on
Unlimited consultations with in-house doctors, giving Aarav easy access to medical advice and support
Health insurance for OPD and IPD, providing Aarav with peace of mind knowing that he is covered in case of any unexpected health issues

Modulus could be an ideal solution for busy, health-conscious professionals like Aarav who are looking for a comprehensive, personalized health and fitness solution that fits seamlessly into their busy lifestyles. The app's features, such as the wearable ring, calorie tracker, and personal care team, could help Aarav stay on track and achieve his health goals, while also providing him with the support and accountability he needs to make lasting lifestyle changes.
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