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Enterprise Bot AIDA FAQ

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DocBrain FAQ's

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What is DocBrain?
Docbrain is Enterprise Bot’s latest feature which uses website extraction combined with the most cutting edge AI algorithms to automate the entire process of building a bot.
All you have to do when using Docbrain is to extract data from your website to create a knowledge base for your bot. Whenever a customer then asks the bot a question, the bot will search the database that has been created and it will come up with different options that match the customer’s query.
2. How does it work?
When you start using Docbrain, you will have to enter the URL of your website for which the knowledge base should be created. The knowledge base will be ready to use once all the information on the website has been extracted or ‘crawled’. A specific algorithm will be used to search through the database whenever an end-user asks the bot a question. This algorithm has been specifically designed for this process and it is also language-specific.
Creating a bot based on website extraction is a lot less tedious than working with intents, because all you would have to do is extract the data from your website and your knowledge base will be ready to use.
3. Can it automatically update content?
When information has been added or changed on your website, it will not be reflected automatically in DocBrain. However, refreshing your pages is very straightforward.
Go to the DocBrain tab by clicking on the
symbol in the left menu. You will see a list with You will see a list with all the URL’s that have been extracted from your website. Select the URL’s which you want to refresh by checking the box next to the URL. Once you have selected all the URL’s that you want to refresh, click the “refresh” button next to the search box. When clicking on the three dots next to each URL, you will find the latest extraction date of that specific URL.
You can also easily include or exclude specific links from this page. If you no longer wish to have a URL included in the DocBrain search, just exclude it by toggling the button on the right. The changes will be reflected immediately.
4. What languages do you support?
At the moment we only support English but we are working hard to add more, frequently used languages, such as German, French, Dutch and Italian.
5. How long does it take to build my bot and why?
Extracting your website can take up to 48 hours depending on the size of your website. The extraction limit for a website or sitemap is 1000 pages. Using a specific sitemap URL instead of your website URL will speed up the extraction process.
Building your bot takes less time, but it also depends on the size of the bot ?? - estimation ?
6. How long does it take to extract my website?
Extracting your website can take up to 48 hours depending on the size of your website. The extraction limit for a website or sitemap is 1000 pages. Using a specific sitemap URL instead of your website URL will speed up the extraction process.
7. Can I add intents if I choose Docbrain?
It is always possible to add intents. Several intents are already available by default, such as your welcome message (which you would have to configure before your bot can be built) and also a fallback intent, a like/dislike intent, (...). Adding extra intents is always possible but we encourage you to have a clear idea about which use cases should be added as intents. We therefore also recommend having a look at the power-up flows page, which contains industry-specific and frequently used conversational flows. An example of a power-up flow is Initiating a refund. It could definitely be helpful to start the refund process in a conversational flow than to just provide your users with a link.
8. Can I connect to API’s for certain questions?
Connecting with API’s is possible. We recommend you to get in touch with our experts to help you get started.
9. How do I limit URLs or delete URLs?
Once you click on the Docbrain view after the first crawl is complete it will show you all the links that have been scraped. you can click on the toggle to easily ignore any url that you need to ignore
10. When to use DocBrain?
It works best if your website has extensive content and if said content is frequently updated with recent information.
11. How to get started?
To get started all you need to do is add a sitemap in docbrain and let DocBrain do the rest in terms of building the entire bot
12. How to add integrations?
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