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Product Brief Template

Pitch problems to your team
1️⃣ Change author and title
2️⃣ Complete the Product Brief and notify reviewers using @NAME
3️⃣ Reviewers mark themselves as once their review has finished
Other PM:
Author marks this once all feedback is addressed and ready for PRD

❓ What problem are we solving, why now, and for who?

Describe the problem we’re solving (or opportunity), why we’re solving it now, and who will benefit from it (user persona + market segment). Do your best to pitch why we should spend time on this.

🛤 How does this project tie into the product strategy?

Which OKR will be impacted (if any) after we have solved this problem? Why do you think this is the problem that will be most impactful to Company and Squad objectives?

🌎 Have other vendors or our customers solved this problem before?

Share research on other vendors or workarounds our customers are using to solve this problem.

📐 How do we know if we’ve solved this problem?

What does solving this problem look like? How are you going to test that we've solved the problem? How are you going to get user adoption? Quantitative success measures will come in the PRD.

🖼️ The press-release “announcement”

Imagine you are writing a press release about this feature, try to envision the feature’s impact on customers and how they’ll get value from their perspective in 1-2 paragraph max.

💰 Project Complexity & Dependencies

Guesstimate the complexity using the definition of complexity (S, M, L, XL, XXL). Define dependencies with other squads and guesstimate FE, BE, Design team needed.

💡 Initial ideas to solve the problem

What are potential solutions you MAY take to solve this problem, with the objective of choosing one final solution and describing it in the PRD.

🧑‍🦯 Pre-mortem (optional)

List the things that could go wrong (elephant in the room), and any questions that need to be answered from GTM, Eng, Data, Design or Legal before getting deep in the solution.

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