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Talent Acquisition Process

Welcome to the first building block of your Talent Acquisition Process! First, we will make sure we’re on the same page by defining Talent Acquisition, reviewing the general steps in the process, and determining what each step looks like at your organization.

☝️First—let’s define....

Talent acquisition is the process employers use for recruiting, tracking and interviewing job candidates, and onboarding and training new employees.
To put it simply, it’s finding the right person for the job.
Hiring, developing, and retaining top talent is crucial for the success of your business—yes, this is obvious, but I’ll tell you why...
...because every business problem is a people problem...
...and every business solution is a people solution!

🔢 The steps...

The Talent Acquisition process is broken into two phases: strategic and tactical. Review the general steps below and take notes in the next section to capture your vision for the process at your organization.
Strategic or Tactical?
Determine Organizational Talent Needs
Build Recruiting Process
Align with Hiring Manager
Talent Search
Conduct Interviews
Make an Offer
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✍️ Your turn...

Review each step below in terms of your organization; answer the prompts by clicking into each card. You will be asked to capture two things for each question:
What do I already have? If applicable, these are the processes, relationships, resources, tools, etc. that you already have in place at your organization that you can utilize in your Talent Acquisition Process.
What do I need? What can you ask for, build, or streamline in order to make your process seamless? These could be small changes such as, “I need to make a job requisition intake form to ensure I have all relevant information documented.” These questions may also prompt the idea for larger-scale changes, “I need my organization to determine a set of core values that I can use to determine behavioral and culture fit.”
Determine Organizational Talent Needs
What role do I play in forecasting headcount?
Does my organization have a cadence and a process for revisiting talent needs?
How often do I see updated headcount projections in my organization?
How do my org’s mission, vision, goals, and values help to determine the fit between a candidate, our org, and the job?
Build Recruiting Process
What does my current recruiting process look like? Where are the gaps or road blocks?
Who are the major stakeholders in the recruiting process? Where are the touch points and dependencies?
What does my ideal recruiting workflow look like? Can I map it out visually?
What is our strategy around interview phases? How do they progress and how many are there?
Align with Hiring Manager
Do I need a kickoff meeting for new job reqs with hiring managers? What does that agenda look like?
What information is imperative for me to get from a hiring manager before Talent Sourcing?
Does my org use any behavioral or technical assessments?
Where in the recruiting process are steps customized for certain teams/managers?
What does job description development look like at my organization?

Talent Search
What tools and resources do I have to post jobs and source candidates?
Are there situations that warrant the use of external recruiting firms?
How do I emulate our talent brand when reaching out to/interacting with candidates?
What does a recruiter screen look like?
How do I organize my candidates?
How does our DEI strategy influence talent sourcing?

Conduct Interviews
Who schedules interviews and how do they schedule them?
What are my organization’s expectations for interviewers?
What feedback do we need to capture on candidates? Are there any additional compliance requirements for documentation?
What resources do we have for interviewers?

Make an Offer
What does our reference check process look like?
Who needs to be consulted or sign off before an offer goes out?
Do we have offer letter templates? Are they legal and compliant?
What happens if a candidate counters?
Are there any resources or important information that is shared with or sent to a candidate along with an offer?
How do we communicate with candidates that we are not moving forward with?

Are there any onboarding items that the recruiter overlaps with HR/onboarding specialist?
Do we have a target timeline between a signed offer and a start date? (i.e., 2 weeks)
How do we obtain feedback on our Talent Acquisition Process (from new hires, interviewers, etc.)?

🤷 Ready to move forward?

When you are ready to codify your own Talent Acquisition Process in this doc,
Duplicate this page
to start piecing it all together for your own organization. This original page and the Sample Talent Acquisition can be deleted or saved for your reference.

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