Tri-Sector Mindset & Tools: A Guide

Tri-Sector Mindset and Tools

A Guide for 21st Century Innovators, Entrepreneurs, and Visionaries
NewImpact is a Seattle-based humanity-benefit nonprofit dedicated to changing the way the world finds opportunities and solves problems. We believe that by accessing resources from across the public, private, and social sectors, we can unlock the barriers to improving people’s lives.
We are deeply committed to freely sharing our tools, resources, and knowledge gained, along with ideas we have developed. We view sharing as critical to enabling faster forward progress, as it allows others to use and build on existing knowledge and resources.
For these reasons, we have created this online guide to offer both a high-level explanation of our tri-sector mindset and approach, and also a deeper dive into our tools and their specific functions. It is our goal that in sharing this work, we will inspire, enable and activate tri-sector innovators from around the world.


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