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Leadership Movement (CALM)

CALM Head Message

Greetings in Christ's matchless name!
How have you been? I am praying that our God keeps His faithfulness evident in your lives while the world faces so much things to bear. Kristohanan nga pagka buhi, ma budlay man apan may paglaum kag kalipay!
Praise the Lord for who He is and for all that He has done, more so for what He is about to do in each of us. Batch 1 CALM trainings was successfully finished because of His bountiful grace. As we are about to embark for another journey with COMPASSION ALUMNI LEADERSHIP MOVEMENT, Batch 2 this year, we are confident that the Lord's hand shall work mightily to all of us in His most amazing and unique way.
By that, as we desire to be a blessing and lead more people in Christ, the CORE TEAM and I are excited to once again witness how CALM bring you to the higher level of leadership training that could assist you with principles that will totally bring transformation first to yourselves, family, church, community and country as responsible and fulfilled Christian leaders who loves Jesus even more.
Let us be encouraged to capture significant learnings and meaningful experiences together. My prayer is that we see the main purpose of this endeavor which is for you to be more prepared in becoming effective instruments in the service of the Lord, being trained and equipped for the Lord's glory alone.
Be teachable, grateful and humble in every process so the patience be developed empowered to become efficient servant godly leaders in every sphere of influence the God shall place you.
Shalom and To God be the glory!
Phil. 1:6 Being confident of this very thing the He who hath begun a good work in you shall bring it into completion in the day that Jesus Christ returns.
In Christ,

Cheering for you,
Ate Kim (s.2023)

CALM Profile


We are a group of Compassion Alumni committed to train and equip the Compassion Negros youth to become exemplary godly servant-leaders.


The Negros 1 Compassion Alumni Leadership Movement aims to equip Negros 1 youth to become effective and godly servant-leaders.


As a result, the youth will be able to complete in the program as exemplary godly servant-leaders in the church, family, community nation: and to be able to pass it on.

CALM Goals


To give back to Compassion through giving of leadership trainings and other services as support to the ministry.
To bring awareness to Compassion partners, workers, and beneficiaries of the existence of Compassion Alumni Leadership Movement.
To effectively and efficiently train Compassion youth to become exemplary godly servant-leaders.

CALM History

The Compassion Alumni Movement in Negros was birthed after a general partnership meeting with Negros alumni and Project Directors in 2017.
The pioneering members initially planned and proposed a leadership curriculum to all Negros 1 youth. The implementation was done per project and the first training was successfully launched with the partnership of PH802 Kabalaka Student Center with the topic “Identity in Christ.” This was soon followed by trainings conducted in PH807 Racham Student Center and PH832 Parakeleo Student Center in 2018. Due to the immense scope of trainings and conflict of schedules, CAM re-assessed the implementation and decided to conduct leadership trainings to selected young people using the 12 Leadership Principles of Compassion International. This was then convened with Negros 1 project facilitator and project directors. This became the first ministry of Compassion Alumni Movement – the Leadership Movement or commonly known as CALM
It’s mission is to equip Negros 1 Youth to become effective and godly servant-leaders. It’s vision is for the youth to be able to complete in the program as exemplary servant-leaders in the church, family, community, and nation; and be able to pass it on. The CALM’s Objectives are: 1) to give back to Compassion through provision of leadership trainings and other support services to the ministry; 2) to bring awareness to Compassion partners, workers, and beneficiaries of the existence of Compassion Alumni Leadership Movement; 3) to effectively and efficiently train Compassion youth to become exemplary godly servant-leaders.
Corresponding meetings were done and the 12 Leadership Principles curriculum was finalized by the CAM Core Team in 2019. The first 5 leadership principles were implemented in an in-person setting. They were:
LP Demonstrate Godly Character on August 3, 2019, at Lily of the Valley, La Carlota City
LP Cherish Family on September 28, 2019, at Lily of the Valley, La Carlota City
LP Commit to a Local Church on November 5, 2019, at Cosmopolitan Christian Church
LP Live with Integrity on January 25, 2020 at O Hotel, Bacolod City
LP Exemplify Servant Leadership on February 29, 2020 at O Hotel, Bacolod City

In March 2020, all CALM-related trainings and activities were put on-hold due to the COVID19 pandemic and later on commenced virtually through the Compassion Alumni Broadcasting Movement.
LP Humbly Listen – July 31, 2021
LP Lead with Courage – August 28, 2021
LP Ignite Your Passion for Ministry – September 25, 2021
LP Master Communications – October 30, 2021
LP Equip Staff – November 27, 2021
LP Strive for Excellence – January 29, 2022
LP Practice Personal Discipline – February 26, 2022

In the completion of 12 Leadership Principle trainings, a written and oral assessment in panel interview were conducted on June 25, 2022 to evaluate the development and application of the 12 leadership principles in the youth’s involvement and participation in their respective churches, families, communities and nation.
On August 6, 2022, we celebrated the completion of the first batch of selected student-leaders of Negros 1 who undergone the 12 Leadership Principles training.
The second batch of the Leadership Movement commenced in January 2023, featuring the following schedule of events:
LP Demonstrating Godly Character: January 28, 2023, at Bacolod City Alliance Church
LP Cherish Family: February 25, 2023, at Bacolod Cosmopolitan Christian Church
LP Commit to a Local Church: March 25, 2023, at Bacolod Christian Reformed Church
LP Live with Integrity: April 29, 2023, at Selah Function Hall facilitated by Community Bible Church of La Carlota City
LP Exemplify Servant Leadership: June 24, 2023, at Murcia Christian Reformed Church
LP Humbly Listen: September 30, 2023, at Bago Christian Reformed Church
LP Lead with Courage: October 28, 2023, at Ma-ao Sugar Central Evangelical Church
Remaining Leadership principles, alongside the leadership camp, evaluation, and completion, are scheduled for implementation in the year 2024.
May the Lord’s name be praised and lifted high

CALM Delivery

The following outlines the content of the curriculum, encompassing 12 Leadership Principles.

I. Program Content

Verse Reference
Demonstrating godly Character
This principle introduces one’s commitment to actively seek God’s face and to do His will, demonstrating that God has changed and is changing our character.
Galatians 5:22
Cherish Family
This principle introduces the significance of cherishing family and dedicating oneself to them as highest priority after God.
Joshua 24:15
Commit to Local Church
This principle introduces the one’s total commitment in taking part and be actively involved to the various ministries available to build up the body of Christ.
Hebrews 10:45
Live with Integrity
This principle introduces the value of living with integrity as honest and reliable Christian in all aspects of life
Ephesians 4:1
Exemplify Servant Leadership
This principle introduces the importance of one’s faithfulness in serving God and others especially those we lead, treating them as co-laborers in the Kingdom of God
Mark 10:45
Humbly Listen
This principle introduces one’s willingness for correction which draws from the foundation of Biblical Principles of Humility and Submission. The principle defuses and invalidates the quest for personal power and prestige, and in which consider both God and the well-being of others more important than one’s own personal agenda and reputation.
Proverbs 1:15
Lead with Courage
This principle introduces one’s willingness to take the necessary risk by leading courageously through present and future challenges, doing what is morally right and strategically effective, asking God for discernment and strength.
Joshua 1:9a
Ignite Passion for Ministry
This principle introduces one’s ability to develop vision and approach with an intense passion in the ministry and encourages others to share in that passion.
Jeremiah 20:9b
Master Communications
This principle introduces and recognizes that leadership is about influencing others, and commit to effectively influence others through excellent personal and public communications skills
1 Corinthians 14:8
Equip Staff
This principle introduces and equips those we lead to maximize those with potential and their spiritual gifts to serve in the church, community, ministry and in God’s broader kingdom.
Ephesians 4:12
Strive for Excellence
This principle introduces one’s commitment to excellence and to carry out the ministry in a God-honoring way.
Colossians 3:23
Practice Personal Discipline
This principle introduces one’s commitment to ongoing personal growth through a life balanced disciplines that develop in every area of our lives - our relationships, our bodies, our minds, our emotions and our spirits
Ecclesiastes 10:10
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II. Planning and Preparation

A. Planning Stage

To-Do List:
Facilitate a strategic alignment meeting with Project Facilitators to synchronize goals and strategies for seamless collaboration.
Schedule a dedicated session with Project Directors to engage in a detailed discussion on project milestones, ensuring a harmonious alignment with overarching objectives.
Develop and execute a comprehensive plan for a year-long Program Training, meticulously outlining key topics and milestones to elevate team skills and knowledge.
Conduct a targeted meeting with the CAM Core team for the purpose of assigning a one-year program to speakers, ensuring a cohesive approach and clear responsibilities.
Meticulously prepare and skillfully deliver a polished presentation of the latest version of the Updated Handbook for Church Partners, guaranteeing clarity and relevance to the ongoing project initiatives.

B. Preparation Stage

The following outlines the tasks that precede the implementation of another training batch on Leadership Principles.
Materials Needed
Communication Platform
Plot schedule of 12 Leadership Principle Training with corresponding schedules
Google Docs
Three to six months before the implementation
Development of a Batch Handbook
One to three months before the implementation
Registration Link for Incoming Participants/Delegates (Form 001 Leader’s Profile)
A month before the implementation
Development of a Master List/Batch Tracker
A month before the implementation
Creation of QR Code Scan
A month before the implementation
Creation of Identification Cards of Participants
Two weeks before implementation
Printing of IDs with QR Code for Scanning
Two Weeks before Implementation
Confirm Total number of Atteendees
Google Docs
A week before the implementation
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III. Pre-Training

The following should be done a week before the training starts.
Materials Needed
Communication Platform
Confirm Availability of Speaker
Email and Messenger
A month before scheduled training
Confirm Schedule with Project Directors and Project Facilitators
Messenger Group Chat (Coordination with CAM For Batch 2)
Two weeks before training
Finalize Training Guide
Two weeks before Training
Eunice Ann Pabalate
Create Group Chat for Facilitators
Create Group Chat (Title: Batch 2 LP# Prep Team)
One week before Training
merrylyn lirazan
Confirm Alumni Testimony
One week before Training
Confirm Batch 1 Testimony
One week before Training
Huddle with Facilitators (Meeting)
Five days before Training
Create Training Poster Layout
Four days before training
merrylyn lirazan
Post on Facebook Page for Announcement
Powepoint saved as jpeg
Four days before training
merrylyn lirazan
Acquire Bio of Speaker
Three days before Training
Create Training Manual
Three days before Training
merrylyn lirazan
Email PDs for Instructions and Handouts/Worksheet
Email and Messenger
Two days before Training
merrylyn lirazan
Prepare Attendance QR Code Scan
Two days before training
John CAM
Create Certificates
Two days before training
John CAM
Prepare Registration and Receipts
Two days before training
Sort and/or Print Virtual/Hardcopy Certificates
Two days before training
merrylyn lirazan
Prepare Slides for Training
A day before the training
merrylyn lirazan
Prepare Token for Speaker
Facebook Page
A day or three days before training
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IV. During Training

The following should be done during the training starts. Reference:
Person Responsible
9:00-9:30 AM
15 min.
Registration and Settling Down
Batch 1 Facilitators, CDW and CAM Secretary & Treasurer
9:30 - 10:00 AM
20 min.
Praise and Worship
Facilitating Church Partner
10:00 - 10:05 AM
5 min.
Opening Prayer & Welcome
FCP Pastor and Project Director
10:05 - 10:20 AM
15 min.
Previous Leadership Principle Speaker or CAM Core Team Member
10:20 - 10:30 AM
10 min.
Getting to know You Activity or Expectation Setting
Batch 1 Facilitator
10:30-10:35 AM
5 min.
Introduction of Speaker
Batch 2 Student Leader
10:35 - 12:00 NN
75 min.
Topic Discussion of the Leadership Principle
Alumni Speaker
12:00 - 1:00 PM
60 min.
Facilitating Church Partner
1:00 - 1:15 PM
15 min.
Energizer/Ice Breaker
Batch 1 Facilitators
1:15 - 2:00 PM
45 min.
Leadership Principle Workshop
Batch 1 Facilitators
2:00 - 2:15 PM
15 min.
Batch 1 Testimony
Batch 1 Facilitator
2:15 - 3:00 PM
15 min.
Alumni Testimony
Invited Alumni/Core Team Member
3:00 - 3:15 PM
15 min.
Giving of Certificates
Batch 1 Facilitators
3:15 - 3:30 PM
15 min.
Evaluation, Announcements, Documentation, Closing Prayer
Batch 1 Facilitators
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V. Post Training

The following should be done after the training starts.
Materials Needed
Communication Platform
Evaluation Result
After Training
merrylyn lirazan
Posting of Photos in the Official Facebook Group Page
Documentation Photos
Google Drive Folder
One day after Training
merrylyn lirazan
Update Attendance QR Sheet
Attendance QR Master Copy
3 days after training
John CAM
Update Financial Statement
3 days after training
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CALM Leadership Camp

Following the implementation of Leadership Principle 6 Humbly Listen, the Compassion Alumni Movement - Leadership Camp will take place within the month of July and August 2023. The Negros Cluster will plan the Camp in collaboration with the Batch 1 Facilitators who will serve as Camp Director, Program Director, and Group Leaders, while the Alumni will oversee the implementation, facilitate the planning and execution of the Leadership Camp

CALM Completion Ceremony

“ARAW NG PASASALAMAT” is the culminating activity of ALL Negros Cluster 1 Compassion Alumni Leadership Movement (CALM) student-leaders who underwent, in part or in full, the 12 Leadership Principles of Compassion International.
The program looks toward achieving the following goals:
1.To recognize, reward, and appreciate the students, staff, and projects who diligently and faithfully completed the 12 Leadership Principles despite the odds and challenges of our time.
2.To instill to ALL CALM student-leaders the responsibility to pay-it-forward their learnings and experiences to their circle of influence not limited to their respective families, friends, school, and churches.
3.To encourage them to become active members of Compassion Alumni Movement activities.

CALM Partnership

Admission Procedures
Step 1 – The Project Director and the Church Pastor will choose the leadership delegates to enroll for the Compassion Alumni Leadership Movement
Step 2 – Must enroll thru google forms. Form 001 Leader’s Profile. Please ho to link and must complete the necessary details.
Step 3 - Posting of the official list of delegates.
Fees and Other Related Concerns The fixed amount to be collected for the registration fee of the training will be P150 pesos per delegate in every training. Food and transportation allowance is not yet included in the registration fee. Logistics must be arranged by the host church and must be communicated to the Project Directors and Negros Cluster Facilitators.
Attendance Policy The Leadership delegates must attend all Compassion Alumni Movement trainings with perfect attendance. Three consecutive absences will result in removal from the program. In the event of an absence, the student-leader will forfeit her opportunity to receive a completion certificate during the closing ceremony. Please keep in mind that no makeup training will be provided. Notice: Student-leaders who will be dropped in the program will receive a warning and notice through email and informing the Project Director about the status,
Monitoring The end of Quarter 1, 2 and 3, the student-leader is required to submit his/her leader’s quarterly monitoring report (Form 002) . Actual monitoring of their performance in the church will be done by the Staff representative.
Evaluation is a whole day activity for the written and oral evaluation of participants after they have undergone the 12 Leadership Principles of the Compassion Alumni Movement. This will allow the Alumni Core Team to assess what they have learned from the implementation of the Leadership principle during training.
Completion Policies Those who will be included in the final list of student-leaders shall attend the completion ceremony accompanied by a parent, staff, pastor and project director. Selection of awards will be based from the attendance and evaluation results.

CALM Management Team

The following are the people working and supporting the Compassion Alumni Broadcasting Movement.

A. Roles and Responsibilities

The Leadership Delegates Batch 2 – must demonstrate a Christ-like character and committed to complete the leadership program: must attend all Compassion Alumni Movement trainings and available to respond to leadership and mentoring opportunities, must submit all necessary requirements and closely work with a mentor.
The Facilitators/ CALM Batch 1 Leaders – shall take the lead in organizing and implementing the leadership trainings with the supervision and assistance of CAM Core Team including but not limited to preparation of program, venue, training manuals and materials, registration, among others: shall set an example to Batch 2 delegates as mentors and commit to assist them in their growth as servant-leaders.
The Staff Representative – shall willingly support the batch 1 leaders and batch 2 delegates by attending all the leadership trainings, monitoring their growth and development, providing leadership opportunities to maximize their learnings, addressing training-related concerns, attending all logistical needs, facilitating small group sessions or activities in the church, reporting the leaders and delegates progress to project director and pastors.
The Project Directors – shall assist the pastor in selecting the delegates to be trained as leaders, shall observe, facilitate, and guide staff representatives, facilitators, and leadership delegates regarding training schedules and changes, and shall ensure that staff representatives, facilitators, and leaders are well informed. Shall monitor progress, conduct needs analysis, and communicate findings to the CALM Head in order to assist leaders in developing areas for improvement.
The Pastors – shall work closely with the project director for the selection of student-leaders to be trained, monitor the progress of leaders, and provide suggestions for areas of improvement among the leadership delegates.
Negros Cluster and Project Facilitator– shall closely partner with, conducts meetings, communicate with, and decide on the leadership training that fits the needs of both the delegates and the alumni, shall provide win-win solutions to address training-related concerns, shall work with the CALM Movement Head, and communicate through the CAM Public Relations Officer for information dissemination.
Alumni Support – shall assist the Compassion Alumni Leadership Movement to ensure the success of the trainings by rendering of talents and skills of expertise as resource speakers and mentors, involving in leadership trainings and providing ideas, comments, and recommendations to better improve the leadership trainings and the movement.
Auditor – plan and carry out the audit in order to obtain reasonable assurance that the Compassion Alumni Movement - Negros' financial statements are free of material misstatement, whether caused by error or fraud.
Treasurer – supervises the Compassion Alumni Movement financial administration such as reporting of registration fees, sponsor donation, and fund raising activities, reviews procedures and financial strategy, provides monthly reporting to CAM Core Team.
Secretary – shall keep records, profiles, evaluations, narratives, and important documents of the Compassion Alumni Movement and provide summary report, shall take minutes and secure documentation, shall provide office support behind the scenes
Public Relations Officer – shall carry out information relations and respond the same through the CAM’s official modes of communication such as emails and messenger group chats to project directors and facilitators; shall plan and develop communication strategies to ensure clear and concise transfer of information.
Leadership Movement Head – The overseer of the entire leadership movement; will collaborate closely with the Partnership Facilitator, Project Directors, Pastors and Church Leaders

B. Leadership Movement Team
Kimberly Ronzales
Merry Lyn Lirazan
CALM Assistant Head
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