icon picker
The Ice

These are ideas, solutions that would help us achieve our but don’t quite fit yet either because of capacity & resources or because they require just a little bit of TLC before they are ready for execution. Basically an idea bank, or incubator.

Ideas for Save7

The idea of this page itself ⚡️
A system (or just a table) where people can add ideas for Save7 that align with the Company Mission.
Want to harness the power of our large volunteer base for ideation across South Africa
Despite resource constraints still want to collate and include great ideas into our planning
Don’t allow brain-storming sessions to be limited by “resource-constraints”
Someone should be able to write down the idea after clicking a button, our mission statement should be visible to them; they should then be able to select which Pillar the idea falls under as well as the current status of the idea.
The options for the status should be “Still a seed” , “Still growing” , “Planted”
Importantly, these must not be shown anywhere until the status “Planted” is selected. The idea that shows the Status planted should now should as an Objective in its respective Pillar .
Table 1
Mission Alignment
Idea 1
Mission Statement
Idea 2
Mission Statement
Idea 3
Mission Statement
There are no rows in this table

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